
Men’s mag Loaded gets new look

Men’s mag Loaded gets new look

The new look Loaded magazine

IPC’s men’s magazine Loaded has been revamped, backed by a six figure marketing campaign.

The editorial refresh features several new elements, inclduing regular celebrity columnists, a new review section and expanded fashion and features sections.

Loaded, which goes on sale today priced at £3.50, has been redesigned throughout, spearheaded by art director Blue Buxton with the assistance of IPC Media editorial director Andy Cowles

The refresh will be supported by a major six figure marketing push across partners including MTV and Extreme, with Hi-Tech Media running a campaign in sports bars across the UK. An extensive display campaign will also be run across relevant IPC brands including Nuts and Mousebreaker.

Jo Smalley, Loaded publishing director, said: “Martin and his team have delivered a superb refresh of a truly classic brand, retaining all of its core character and the inimitable spirit of Loaded while bringing it bang up to date. And we’ve taken our cues directly from the people who count – the young men of Britain. The original is still the best.”

The most recent ABC figures, for January to June 2009, show that Loaded ‘s circulation was down almost 24% year on year, leaving it with a total circulation of 72,679.

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