
Mobile app downloads to hit almost 20m per annum

Mobile app downloads to hit almost 20m per annum

The number of mobile application downloads will approach almost 20 billion per annum by 2014, according to new research.

The increasing deployment of app stores targeted at mass market handsets, allied to enhancements in storefront interfaces and an ever increasing array of titles appealing to wider demographics have been the main factors driving this market, said Juniper.

The research found that the success of the App Store – which passed 1 billion downloads in April – has led a raft of vendors, OS providers and operators to launch their own app stores, with more poised to launch over the coming months.

In April, Juniper forecast that forecast that direct and indirect revenues from mobile applications will hit $25 billion globally by 2014 (see Revenues from mobile applications expected to top $25bn by 2014).

Elsewhere, Magna’s global advertising forecast predicted that US mobile advertising will grow by 36% this year, rising from $169 million in 2008 to $229 million during the course of 2009 (see US mobile advertising to grow by 36%).

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