
Mobile Brand Ad Market Set To Grow

Mobile Brand Ad Market Set To Grow

A new forecast from eMarketer projects that worldwide mobile brand advertising will rise to $3.5 billion in 2011, up from $123 million in 2006.

Mobile text messaging is more or less a mass-market service worldwide, says the online market research firm.

Mobile music is climbing the rungs of the mass-market ladder, it add, and most importantly, there are mobile-centric tribes of users in both advanced and developing economies.

Worldwide Mobile Advertising Spending, By Objective 2006-2011 (Millions) 
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Mobile Brand Ad Spending* $123.8 $277.3 $644.4 $1,120.5 $2,175.3 $3,569.2
Mobile Direct Response Ad Spending** $1,424.0 $2,495.8 $4,312.9 $6,349.8 $9,273.6 $12,654.3
Total Mobile Ad Spending $1,547.8 $2,773.1 $4,957.3 $7,470.3 $11,448.9 $16,223.5
Note: Mobile advertising includes text message promotions, ad supported voice minutes as well as ad placements around video content, mobile games, mobile music, mobile TV, mobile social networks and mobile search; *Advertising which aims to create a positive association between consumers and a company, product and/or service; **advertising with the objective of generating transactions and which presents a device for consumers to initiate such transactions (eg. link to online store)
Source: eMarketer, October 2007

John Gauntt, senior analyst and author of the eMarketer report, said: “The bottom line is that many of the right pieces of the infrastructure puzzle are coming together, albeit at different speeds.”

A recent study from Airwide Solutions found that the mobile marketing industry was making significant progress (see Mobile Marketing Industry “Making Significant Progress”).

Growth in the sophistication of mobile marketing campaigns was reflected in the number of brands considering implementing both SMS and MMS mobile marketing in the next 12 months, said Airwide.

Research from first direct published in September revealed that in the UK there are almost 70 million mobile SIM cards (phone numbers) and over 71 million handsets spread amongst 45 million adults – an average of 1.6 mobiles per adult (see UK Has More Mobile Phones Than People).

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