
Mobile Case Study: Department for children, schools and families thmbnls campaign

Mobile Case Study: Department for children, schools and families thmbnls campaign

thmbnls mobile

The department for children, schools and families wanted to engage with the difficult to reach teenage audience, to raise awareness of sexual well-being and created the world’s first interactive mobile soap opera with Incentivated.

Client: Department for children, schools and families

Medium: Web and WAP banner adverts, as well as posters distributed at schools, which directed viewers to register at www.thmbnls.mobi to receive 22 weekly episodes on mobile. The “mobisodes” were personalised as viewers’ names appeared in characters’ mobile phone books are also spoken. Weekly reminder came from characters and the storyline could be changed by replying by text.

Conclusion: Allowed the DCSF to communicate with teenage audience is a relevant way to the audience.

View the full case study here:

For more information please contact Incentivated or visit the Incentivated website.

Case study provided in association with the IAB

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