
Mobile Gaming Key To 3G Uptake, Says Report

Mobile Gaming Key To 3G Uptake, Says Report

The level of consumer acceptance for mobile gaming could determine the success or failure of 2.5G and 3G wireless, according to a new report from Alexander Resources.

The research firm claims that wireless carriers and handset manufacturers will need to tap into the lucrative youth market if they are to succeed in convincing the public about the benefits of new products and services. In the short term, gaming is seen as a more viable revenue source than enterprise wireless applications

Alexander Resources claims that wireless carriers will have to be involved in the development, marketing and distribution of mobile games while manufacturers must produce phones which offer unique gaming controls, audio features and displays.

The study warns that inadequate strategies could prejudice the public against mobile gaming and in turn, deliver a severe blow to 3G ambitions. On the plus side, a recent report from Informa Media predicted that the global mobile gaming market will be worth almost $12 billion by 2006 (see Web, Mobiles And iTV Move Into Fast-Growing Gaming Market).

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