
Mobile internet advertising on the up

Mobile internet advertising on the up


Heightened brand engagement and growing consumer adoption of mobile internet services will cause a sharp increase in expenditure on mobile internet advertising, a new report from Juniper Research has found.

According to the report, adspend on the mobile internet will approach $500 million globally in 2009, rising to nearly $2 billion per annum by 2014.

Juniper said that in many markets where fixed internet access is limited, mobile has already becoming the dominant means of accessing the internet: in India, mobile accounted for nearly 90% of all that country’s internet users in 2008.

Dr Windsor Holden, report author, said: “Popular mobile internet sites are now attracting levels of usage that provide a strong case for advertising and sponsorship options. Furthermore, the fact that mobiles are far more personal than home computers – used only by a specific individual – means that brands can build up detailed profiles of user responses and plan follow up campaigns accordingly.”

Other findings from the research include:

  • Mobile internet will account for the largest proportion of total mobile adspend for the first time in 2009, overtaking SMS advertising
  • The total value of adspend on mobile is expected to rise from just over $1.4 billion in 2009 to $6 billion in 2014
  • Despite the increasing popularity of mobile advertising, most campaigns are ad hoc and there are very few converged campaigns

Magna’s recent mobile forecast predicted that US mobile advertising will grow by 36% this year, rising from $169 million in 2008 to $229 million during the course of 2009.

Elsewhere, BIA’s Kelsey Group forecast that Western Europe mobile local search ad revenues will reach €1.4 billion by 2013.

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