
Mobile social networking on the up

Mobile social networking on the up

Network of users

The number of mobile users accessing social networks from their mobile devices will reach 607.5 million worldwide by 2013, representing 43% of global mobile internet users, according to a new forecast from eMarketer.

In the US, mobile social networkers will total 56.2 million by 2013, accounting for 45% of the mobile internet user population.

Noah Elkin, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the report, said: “Combining two much-hyped but still-emerging channels – mobile and social – results in a developing opportunity for marketers.”

Mobile social network users worldwide, 2008-2014 (millions and % penetration)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Mobile social network users* 76.0 141.4 223.4 318.3 454.0 607.5 760.1
% of mobile phone subscribers 1.9% 3.1% 4.6% 6.1% 8.4% 10.8% 13.3%
% of mobile internet users 19.0% 28.0% 34.0% 37.0% 40.0% 43.0% 45.0%
Source: eMarketer
As of December for each year; *CAGR (2008-2014) = 46.8%

As in the desktop world, the US mobile social networking space is dominated by Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Recent research from Experian Hitwise revealed that Facebook now accounts for one in every seven internet page views (14.5%) in the UK.

Facebook also accounts for almost 60% of all social networking traffic in the US, according to Hitwise.

eMarketer also found that location-based networks have not yet reached critical mass, but are worth keeping an eye on as they work to link people, places and interests.

Elkin added: “Location-aware branded applications and utilities that include a social component provide advertisers an avenue for marketers to engage their audience directly.”

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