
Mobile TV user base to hit 300m

Mobile TV user base to hit 300m


A new forecast predicts that mobile TV will come of age this year, with a worldwide user base of 54 million consumers in 2009.

According to the In-Stat report, Analog Mobile TV: The World’s Most Widely Available Option for Mobile TV, by 2013 there will be 300 million users worldwide.

The average mobile TV user watches at least three times a week, with a 20% watching on a daily basis, the report said.

Two-thirds of mobile TV viewers claim to watch mobile TV for 30 minutes or more on the days they tune in.

A US report on mobile video found that the total number of live TV and video streams increased by 61% from Q4 2008 to Q1 2009.

The research, carried out by QuicklPlay Media between 1 January and 31 March 2009, also shows that the total number of unique viewers increased by 11% from Q4 2008 to Q1 2009.

Elsewhere, a report from Webcredible found that email and social networking are the most popular mobile internet activities.

Of the respondents who used the mobile internet, over half (55%) mostly used it for emailing and social networking.

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