
Mobile Video Market To Reach $5.4 Billion By 2009

Mobile Video Market To Reach $5.4 Billion By 2009

The mobile video services market in the US is expected to generate $5.4 billion by 2009, when 22.3 million Americans will be viewers of mobile video content, says a new report from In-Stat/MDR.

The report says, the stars are beginning to align for mobile video services in the US, as the market is expected to account for 14.9% of total wireless data revenues. The promise of greater bandwidth on 3G networks, rapid advances in compression technologies and new multimedia handset capabilities look set to help this market accelerate in 2004 and beyond.

A recent survey conducted by Instat/MDR found that 13.2% of US wireless subscribers are extremely or very interested in purchasing video services for their wireless phones. Director, Clint Wheelock said: “While still a relatively small niche of the market, this figure is significant in that it represents the natural demand for mobile video services, prior to any large scale carrier deployments of market messaging.”

It seems that US mobile users are more interested in mobile video than any other multimedia services that a mobile phone can offer. Wheelock added: “Interest in mobile video is higher than for all other prospective mobile multimedia services covered in this survey, including gaming and music services.”

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