
More Americans Taking The Broadband Route

More Americans Taking The Broadband Route

Growth in US internet usage has slowed in recent years but demand for high-speed services remains high, according to new statistics from Harris Interactive.

An end of year survey shows that 69% of Americans can now be classified as internet users, an increase of two percentage points over last year. The number of adults online has grown significantly since the end of 1999 when 56% accessed the web but has been levelling out since mid-2001.

In the latest study, more than six in ten of respondents said they went online at home while almost a third admitted to using the web in the workplace. US adults now spend an average of nine hours a week online.

Internet Users In The US, By Access Location 
Date  All Online  Online At Home  Online At Work  Online At Other Location  Ave. Hours Online Per Week 
Dec-99 56% 46% N/A N/A 7
Apr/May-00 57% 45% 24% 15% 7
Oct/Nov-00 63% 49% 29% 17% 7
Mar/Apr-01 64% 53% 27% 20% 7
Sep/Oct-01 64% 52% 28% 19% 7
Feb/Mar-02 66% 55% 30% 19% 8
Nov/Dec-02 67% 57% 28% 18% 7
Oct/Dec-03 69% 61% 31% 16% 9
Source: Harris Interactive, January 2004 

The increasing availability and desirability of broadband is reflected in the fact that 37% of online adults now have a high-speed connection. This compares with 22% in March 2002 and 27% at the end of 2002.

A recent study of the US internet market by Nielsen found that broadband connections had increased by 27% between May and November while narrowband connections were unchanged (see US Broadband Population Approaches 50 Million).

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