
Most Large Firms Now Recruit Online

Most Large Firms Now Recruit Online

A new survey by iLogos reveals that 88% of Global 500 companies currently incorporates online recruitment into typical hiring procedures via its corporate website. By 2002, iLogos Research expects that nearly 100% of the Global 500 will be utilising corporate Web sites for recruiting.

Corporate Web Site  1998  1999  2000  2001 
Corporate Web site Recruiting 29% 60% 79% 88%
No Corporate Web site Recruiting 57% 31% 21% 12%
No Corporate Web site 14% 9% 0% 0%
“Since 1998, global Internet usage for recruiting purposes has expanded significantly,” said Yves Lermusiaux, president and founder of iLogos Research, “from 29% of Global 500 companies in 1998 to 88% today. This yearÂÂ’s survey shows that European and Asia-Pacific companiesÂÂ’ growth is stronger than that of North American corporations. For the most part, this is due to the different adoption stages of the Internet in various regions of the world. However, there still remain significant opportunities to be exploited with newer integrated technologies in corporate hiring management practices overall.”

“Most importantly, in order to leverage the true power of the Internet, corporations need to marry the front-end careers Web site with a back-end automation solution, facilitating global communication. This results in a fast and systematic process automating the recruiting supply chain and bringing a standardised, real-time process to one of the most important, and least efficient, areas of corporate governance.”

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