
Multi-Channel TV Viewing Share Hits 30%

Multi-Channel TV Viewing Share Hits 30%

Share of viewing for non-terrestrial channels is now over 30% for the for the first time, with 60% of households having digital television in various forms, according to the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising’s (IPA) latest Trends in Television Viewing Report.

Figures for the third quarter of 2005 show that digital TV reception remains the fastest growing platform and, serving 20% of the television population, with under 16s watching 52% of television on non-terrestrial channels.

The report reveals that average daily hours of viewing for all individuals has seen a slight year on year drop of 3.42 hours in 2005 compared to 3.46 hours in 2004. However, viewing levels for Q3 2005 were the third highest recorded since 1993.

According to the IPA, Channel Four has enjoyed its most successful quarter for a long time gaining 11% of audience share, up from 10.5% in Q3 2004. The news is not so good for ITV, BBC1, BBC2 and five, however, all loosing share in the quarter.

Commenting on the findings, Lynne Robinson, research director for the IPA said: “The non-terrestrial channels are growing steadily both in reach and share of viewing. Of the terrestrial channels, only Channel 4 is maintaining its share and patronage.”

The rise of multi-channel in the television market place follows on from the IPA’s findings in the second quarter of 2005, with the medium commanding a 29.3% share (see TV Viewing Figures Continue To Slide).

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