
Myers Report Suggests US Ad Downturn May Have Peaked

Myers Report Suggests US Ad Downturn May Have Peaked

The latest Advertising Confidence Index (ACI) report from economist and media analyst, Jack Myers, suggests that the advertising downturn may have hit its lowest point in the US, although full recovery could still be a year and a half away.

The ACI shows that there was a slight increase in marketers’ confidence during March, suggesting that media spend may have stabilised a little. Between December 2000 and March 2001, the ACI had dropped by 24%.
2001 US Adpsend Growth Forecasts, By Sector   
ÂÂ Robert Coen ABN Amro Jack Myers
National advertising 2.1
Local advertising 3.1
TV -0.4 -1.6 -3.0
Radio 2.0 -1.4 -6.0
Magazines 1.0 -0.7 0.5
Newspapers 1.0 -0.7 2.5
Direct mail 4.5
Internet 10.0 40.0
Cable TV 8.0 8.0
Broadcast networks -2.5 -3.0
National spot TV -6.0 -15.0
Broadcast syndication -5.0
Local broadcast TV -7.0
Local/regional cable TV 5.0
Outdoor 2.0
Other -6.0
2001 Adspend Growth Forecasts     
  US  Global 
Robert Coen 2.5 5.0
Jack Myers -1.5
ABN Amro -1.0 1.3
Zenith Media 2.4 4.8

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