
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – April 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – April 2001

Month on Month

National newspaper circulation data for April 2001 has now been released. The figures reveal that the loss sustained in circulation across all titles has not been too severe in a month on month analysis, falling just 0.5% or just over 120,000.

The greatest loss in terms of percentage change in circulation was at the Financial Times, which lost 4.3% of its circulation month on month. The title also had the biggest loss in terms of numbers, over 21,000, although this was closely followed by the Sun

The Mail on Sunday lost over 15,000 readers month on month, as its war against the Sunday Express, saw celebrity magazines become weapons, continues. The Sunday Express’ OK magazine promotion helped push circulation up by well over 45,000, tipping the million mark, while its daily sister paper dropped 6,000, taking it below the million again. The Mail on Sunday fell over 41,500.

National Newspaper April 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Mar 2001 April 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 974,714 983,890 9,176 0.9
Daily Mail 2,403,754 2,445,421 41,667 1.7
Daily Record 602,249 600,285 -1,964 -0.3
Daily Star 569,883 588,727 18,844 3.3
Daily Telegraph 1,019,290 1,020,800 1,510 0.1
Financial Times 503,766 482,086 -21,680 -4.3
Guardian 399,696 401,665 1,969 0.5
Independent 225,606 226,007 401 0.2
Independent On Sunday 252,104 250,514 -1,590 -0.6
Mail On Sunday 2,404,238 2,388,529 -15,709 -0.7
Mirror 2,189,085 2,217,761 28,676 1.3
News Of The World 4,001,054 4,039,298 38,244 1.0
Observer 451,834 450,410 -1,424 -0.3
Racing Post 68,061 80,550 12,489 18.3
Sport First 76,914 80,069 3,155 4.1
Sun 3,514,787 3,493,559 -21,228 -0.6
Sunday Business 57,948 55,586 -2,362 -4.1
Sunday Express 962,707 1,008,572 45,865 4.8
Sunday Mirror 1,845,231 1,844,799 -432 -0.0
Sunday People 1,415,129 1,404,914 -10,215 -0.7
Sunday Sport 193,723 185,593 -8,130 -4.2
Sunday Telegraph 812,452 809,615 -2,837 -0.3
Sunday Times 1,371,785 1,394,107 22,322 1.6
Times 715,079 711,365 -3,714 -0.5
Total 27,031,089 27,154,946 123,857 0.5

Year on Year

Quality Market

In a year on year analysis of the quality market, the Financial Times and Observer saw the biggest gains, with the former seeing an 8% improvement in circulation, representing just under 36,000 added to its total, while the latter saw a 7.9% year on year percentage increase, with 32,000 added.

At the other end of the scale, the largest drop in percentage increase terms was seen at the relatively new financial title Sunday Business, which has failed to emulate the success of its fellow pink paper, dropping 19.6% year on year. The worst fall in actual circulation number was at the Daily Telegraph, which shed 15,000, leaving it with a total of just over 1 million.

Quality Market Nov 00 – Apr 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 99-Apr 00 Nov 00-Apr 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,032,054 1,017,046 -15,008 -1.5
Financial Times 449,947 485,812 35,865 8.0
Guardian 395,736 398,510 2,774 0.7
Independent 223,940 227,223 3,283 1.5
Independent On Sunday 250,141 250,326 185 0.1
Observer 410,885 443,146 32,261 7.9
Sunday Business 68,587 55,176 -13,411 -19.6
Sunday Telegraph 816,474 806,345 -10,129 -1.2
Sunday Times 1,370,185 1,388,074 17,889 1.3
Times 719,803 719,430 -373 -0.1
Total 5,737,752 5,791,088 53,336 0.9

Mid Market

Overall the mid market remained fairly stable in a year on year analysis, losing just 0.1% of its total circulation. However, within these figures there continues to be a clear division between the ongoing success of the Mail titles and the ongoing decline of the Express titles.

The Daily Express once again achieved a circulation below the 1m mark, with 986,000, down a little less than 60,000 or 5.6% on the same period last year. The Sunday Express saw a 4% reduction, dropping 40,000 to 932,000.

The Daily Mail saw a less dramatic change, addding 1.8% or 41,000 to its circulation, which now stands at 2.4m. The Sunday Mail added around 50,000 or 2.2% to reach 2.35m.

Mid Market Nov 00 – Apr 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 99-Apr 00 Nov 00-Apr 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,045,951 986,970 -58,981 -5.6
Daily Mail 2,362,855 2,404,243 41,388 1.8
Mail On Sunday 2,301,076 2,351,040 49,964 2.2
Sunday Express 971,465 932,167 -39,298 -4.0
Total 6,681,347 6,674,420 -6,927 -0.1

Popular Market

The popular market slipped 2.8% in a year on year comparison, with all but one title seeing a reduced circulation. The exception was the Daily Star, which added 8.6%.

The largest loss was at the Sunday People, which haemorrhaged well over 100,000 or 7.2% of its circulation. The Sunday Mirror only lost a little less from its circulation total, with a reduction of 5.3%.

Popular Market Nov 00 – Apr 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 99 – Apr 00 Nov 00 – Apr 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 626,714 601,488 -25,226 -4.0
Daily Star 512,161 556,381 44,220 8.6
Mirror 2,253,118 2,176,272 -76,846 -3.4
News Of The World 4,065,402 3,977,974 -87,428 -2.2
Racing Post 76,817 72,184 -4,633 -6.0
Sport First 87,297 81,065 -6,232 -7.1
Sun 3,545,151 3,508,754 -36,397 -1.0
Sunday Mirror 1,944,386 1,841,931 -102,455 -5.3
Sunday People 1,556,038 1,443,912 -112,126 -7.2
Sunday Sport 201,962 194,908 -7,054 -3.5
Total 14,869,046 14,454,869 -414,177 -2.8

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