
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – August 2000

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – August 2000

Month On Month National newspapers showed an slight increase in sales during August. Overall the sector rose by just 0.9% in a month on month analysis, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) with most titles showing small rises.

The exception was Sport First, this month’s best performer, which increased its circulation base by 31% during August. Overall the greatest monthly increases came from the tabloids with the Sunday Sport (up 8%) and the Daily Star (up 3.6%) showing significant rises.

Losses were heaviest at the Sunday Business which fell 6.2%, a dip in sales of over 3,000 copies. The Daily Mail and the Mail On Sunday both suffered, falling 2.6% and 3.6% respectively.

National Newspaper August 2000 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title July 2000 Aug 2000 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,032,361 1,039,738 7,377 0.7
Daily Mail 2,420,112 2,357,778 -62,334 -2.6
Daily Record 611,031 625,181 14,150 2.3
Daily Star 540,642 560,070 19,428 3.6
Daily Telegraph 1,023,793 1,025,027 1,234 0.1
Financial Times 446,359 446,969 610 0.1
Guardian 390,841 387,719 -3,122 -0.8
Independent 222,950 223,608 658 0.3
Independent On Sunday 237,080 241,025 3,945 1.7
Mail On Sunday 2,322,065 2,239,062 -83,003 -3.6
Mirror 2,298,858 2,314,335 15,477 0.7
News Of The World 4,018,174 4,108,833 90,659 2.3
Observer 430,340 436,152 5,812 1.4
Racing Post 77,256 80,592 3,336 4.3
Sport First 57,733 75,782 18,049 31.3
Sun 3,589,773 3,746,636 156,863 4.4
Sunday Business 59,243 55,570 -3,673 -6.2
Sunday Express 951,782 969,009 17,227 1.8
Sunday Mirror 1,930,810 1,944,633 13,823 0.7
Sunday People 1,508,868 1,527,926 19,058 1.3
Sunday Sport 193,536 209,007 15,471 8.0
Sunday Telegraph 801,872 801,300 -572 -0.1
Sunday Times 1,312,513 1,307,892 -4,621 -0.4
Times 719,632 710,562 -9,070 -1.3
Total 26,165,263 26,394,668 229,405 0.9

Year On Year

Quality Market The quality market again saw increases across its business titles in a year on year analysis with Financial Times (up 19%) and Sunday Business (up 15%) showing impressive increases. The rest of the titles remained pretty static, with the exception of the Observer, which rose 6.4%.

Quality Market Mar 00-Aug ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Mar 99 – Aug 99 Mar 00 – Aug 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,043,988 1,030,580 -13,408 -1.3
Financial Times 386,180 458,898 72,718 18.8
Guardian 392,617 393,066 449 0.1
Independent 223,879 224,510 631 0.3
Independent On Sunday 245,269 245,426 157 0.1
Observer 395,385 420,542 25,157 6.4
Sunday Business 55,338 63,486 8,148 14.7
Sunday Telegraph 819,205 804,923 -14,282 -1.7
Sunday Times 1,347,724 1,347,194 -530 -0.0
Times 727,083 718,672 -8,411 -1.2
Total 5,636,668 5,707,297 70,629 1.3

Mid Market The mid-market again remained static in a year on year analysis, dropping just 0.4%. The Express titles both fell by 2.7% while the Daily Mail and Mail On Sunday showed slight increases.

Mid Market Mar’00-Aug ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Mar 99 – Aug 99 Mar 00 – Aug 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,090,891 1,061,873 -29,018 -2.7
Daily Mail 2,357,466 2,379,904 22,438 1.0
Mail On Sunday 2,269,257 2,278,392 9,135 0.4
Sunday Express 1,000,003 973,250 -26,753 -2.7
Total 6,717,617 6,693,419 -24,198 -0.4

Popular Market Although increased sales were seen across the popular market in a monthly analysis, yearly the market fell 3.2% with all but two titles sustaining losses. Only the Daily Star and the Racing Post increased their circulation bases, with the heaviest losses recorded by the Sunday People (down 6.1%) and the Sunday Sport (down 5.6%).

Popular Market Mar 00-Aug ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Mar 99 – Aug 99 Mar 00 – Aug 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 648,617 617,623 -30,994 -4.8
Daily Star 523,699 529,574 5,875 1.1
Mirror 2,341,123 2,270,545 -70,578 -3.0
News Of The World 4,131,393 4,015,147 -116,246 -2.8
Racing Post 80,816 82,543 1,727 2.1
Sport First 69,984 68,959 -1,025 -1.5
Sun 3,714,291 3,593,232 -121,059 -3.3
Sunday Mirror 1,974,268 1,925,571 -48,697 -2.5
Sunday People 1,616,255 1,517,824 -98,431 -6.1
Sunday Sport 210,126 198,380 -11,746 -5.6
Total 15,310,572 14,819,398 -491,174 -3.2

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