
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – December 2000

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – December 2000

Month On Month

The latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) show national newspaper circulation decreasing by 1.5% during December 2000. All but seven titles slipped in a month on month analysis.

The Independent and Independent on Sunday saw the sharpest falls across the period, the Independent falling 7.3% to 223,000 while its sister title lost 8.2% of its circulation base, which now stands at 236,000. Sharp losses were also felt at Sport First, down 6% to 80,600.

The Mail on Sunday added 100,000 to its circulation however, taking it to a healthy 2.4m; stablemate the Daily Mail has also reached the 2.4m mark, up 1.4%. Their gain is at the expense of midmarket rivals Daily Express (down 3.2%) and Sunday Express (down 2.5%) as readers react to new owner Richard Desmond.

National Newspaper December 2000 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Nov 2000 Dec 2000 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,033,858 1,000,388 -33,470 -3.2
Daily Mail 2,345,099 2,377,756 32,657 1.4
Daily Record 601,854 599,323 -2,531 -0.4
Daily Star 537,085 538,461 1,376 0.3
Daily Telegraph 1,014,011 1,016,170 2,159 0.2
Financial Times 483,379 485,102 1,723 0.4
Guardian 398,332 387,190 -11,142 -2.8
Independent 240,714 223,133 -17,581 -7.3
Independent On Sunday 257,491 236,424 -21,067 -8.2
Mail On Sunday 2,259,822 2,360,559 100,737 4.5
Mirror 2,175,647 2,111,026 -64,621 -3.0
News Of The World 3,949,078 3,848,954 -100,124 -2.5
Observer 440,864 428,451 -12,413 -2.8
Racing Post 71,685 70,684 -1,001 -1.4
Sport First 85,775 80,609 -5,166 -6.0
Sun 3,508,319 3,439,835 -68,484 -2.0
Sunday Business 55,069 54,010 -1,059 -1.9
Sunday Express 950,802 927,032 -23,770 -2.5
Sunday Mirror 1,863,266 1,768,349 -94,917 -5.1
Sunday People 1,471,675 1,444,406 -27,269 -1.9
Sunday Sport 202,973 192,423 -10,550 -5.2
Sunday Telegraph 805,181 807,889 2,708 0.3
Sunday Times 1,409,507 1,344,190 -65,317 -4.6
Times 712,592 723,428 10,836 1.5
Total 26,874,078 26,465,792 -374,816 -1.5

Year On Year

Quality Market

Sales of broadsheet newspapers were on the increase in a yearly analysis. Overall the market was up 1.8% – or 14,000 copies – as the Financial Times (up 13.2%) and the Observer (up 9.6%) continued their upward trend. The Sunday Business was down however, losing 4.1% of its circulation base, which now stands at 56,000.

Quality Market Jul 00 – Dec ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul 99 – Dec 99 Jul 00 – Dec 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,035,688 1,021,013 -14,675 -1.4
Financial Times 414,469 469,057 54,588 13.2
Guardian 391,387 394,913 3,526 0.9
Independent 224,391 229,544 5,153 2.3
Independent On Sunday 247,486 247,770 284 0.1
Observer 402,776 441,607 38,831 9.6
Sunday Business 58,885 56,478 -2,407 -4.1
Sunday Telegraph 822,094 805,591 -16,503 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,334,410 1,367,095 32,685 2.4
Times 721,160 719,595 -1,565 -0.2
Total 5,652,746 5,752,663 99,917 1.8

Mid Market

There was little change amongst mid-market titles in a yearly analysis for the six month period to December 2000. Overall the market slipped only 0.6%, although both Express titles continue to decline. The Daily Express lost 2.5% of its circulation base which now stands at just over a million while sister stablemate lost 2.4% and now hovers around the 950,000 mark.

Mid Market Jul’00 – Dec’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul 99 – Dec 99 Jul 00 – Dec 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,058,900 1,032,471 -26,429 -2.5
Daily Mail 2,367,315 2,382,369 15,054 0.6
Mail On Sunday 2,299,641 2,291,847 -7,794 -0.3
Sunday Express 980,411 956,864 -23,547 -2.4
Total 6,706,267 6,663,551 -42,716 -0.6

Popular Market

The popular market fell 1.9% and now totals 14.8m overall. Biggest loser was Sport First, which saw a 14.6% decrease to its circulation base, followed by the Sunday People (down 5.2%) and the Sunday Mirror (down 4.1%). The Daily Star, under new owner Richard Desmond, bucked the trend however, putting on 4.7% to 547,000.

Popular Market Jul 00 – Dec ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul 99 – Dec 99 Jul 00 – Dec 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 637,353 613,927 -23,426 -3.7
Daily Star 522,295 546,991 24,696 4.7
Mirror 2,317,459 2,244,274 -73,185 -3.2
News Of The World 4,074,474 4,028,441 -46,033 -1.1
Racing Post 74,529 74,913 384 0.5
Sport First 89,802 76,664 -13,138 -14.6
Sun 3,596,212 3,608,827 12,615 0.4
Sunday Mirror 1,985,470 1,904,858 -80,612 -4.1
Sunday People 1,581,847 1,499,224 -82,623 -5.2
Sunday Sport 207,458 200,086 -7,372 -3.6
Total 15,086,899 14,798,205 -288,694 -1.9

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