
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – December 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – December 2001

Once again, ABC figures for national newspaper circulation were down in a month on month comparison. December’s figures showed an overall drop of 2.7% compared to November’s total.

One of a handful of increases was at the Financial Times, which increased its circulation by over 17,000 or 3.5% compared to November. The Sunday Express, not usually the best performer, also showed signs of health this month, increasing circulation by 2% or just over 16,000.

At the other extreme, Sport First saw a heavy percentage drop in a month on month analysis, of 18.1%. However, the largest drop in numbers of copies was at the News Of The World, which shed over 135,000, leaving it with an average December circulation of 3.8m.

Title Nov 2001 Dec 2001 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 57,775 52,949 -4,826 -8.4
Daily Express 945,594 937,006 -8,588 -0.9
Daily Mail 2,466,370 2,389,031 -77,339 -3.1
Daily Record 585,389 581,703 -3,686 -0.6
Daily Star 608,502 594,310 -14,192 -2.3
Daily Telegraph 1,012,698 1,005,338 -7,360 -0.7
Financial Times 484,093 501,259 17,166 3.5
Guardian 410,664 397,138 -13,526 -3.3
Independent 231,092 224,008 -7,084 -3.1
Independent On Sunday 235,539 223,234 -12,305 -5.2
Mail On Sunday 2,389,859 2,286,937 -102,922 -4.3
Mirror 2,107,606 2,075,779 -31,827 -1.5
News Of The World 3,925,396 3,789,916 -135,480 -3.5
Observer 481,256 439,388 -41,868 -8.7
Racing Post 76,197 77,062 865 1.1
Sport First 90,462 74,117 -16,345 -18.1
Sun 3,377,906 3,307,051 -70,855 -2.1
Sunday Express 818,070 834,264 16,194 2.0
Sunday Mirror 1,747,727 1,689,072 -58,655 -3.4
Sunday People 1,343,047 1,315,950 -27,097 -2.0
Sunday Sport 205,474 186,838 -18,636 -9.1
Sunday Telegraph 807,372 786,370 -21,002 -2.6
Sunday Times 1,411,819 1,342,780 -69,039 -4.9
Times 715,022 710,309 -4,713 -0.7
Total 26,534,929 25,821,809 -708,294 -2.7

Quality Market

Year on year the quality market saw a modest increase of 1.3% for the July-December period. The only significant dip in circulation was at the Independent on Sunday, which dropped 3.5%.

The best performers in the quality market were in the GMG stable. The Guardian saw a year on year increase of 4.8% or well over 18,000, taking its average circulation above the 400,000 mark. Meanwhile the Observer was up 7.2% compared to November, with an increase of 32,000.

Quality Market Jul 01 – Dec 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul 00 – Dec 00 Jul 01 – Dec 01 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 56,478 57,335 857 1.5
Daily Telegraph 1,021,013 1,020,889 -124 -0.0
Financial Times 469,057 478,535 9,478 2.0
Guardian 394,913 413,674 18,761 4.8
Independent 229,544 230,633 1,089 0.5
Independent On Sunday 247,770 239,025 -8,745 -3.5
Observer 441,607 473,521 31,914 7.2
Sunday Telegraph 805,591 812,077 6,486 0.8
Sunday Times 1,367,095 1,384,233 17,138 1.3
Times 719,595 719,861 266 0.0
Total 5,752,663 5,829,783 77,120 1.3

Mid Market

The pattern continues as usual in the mid market, with the Mail titles dominating, with circulation figures that are well over twice their Express counterparts’. The total circulation of the sector barely changed year on year.

Both Mail titles saw small year on year increases for the July-December period of around 4%, while the Daily Express saw a 7.3% decrease and the Sunday Express dropped 9.7%. Both Northern & Shell titles now languish firmly below the 1m circulation mark.

Mid Market Jul 01 – Dec 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul 00 – Dec 00 Jul 01 – Dec 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,032,471 957,574 -74,897 -7.3
Daily Mail 2,382,369 2,476,625 94,256 4.0
Mail On Sunday 2,291,847 2,381,142 89,295 3.9
Sunday Express 956,864 863,779 -93,085 -9.7
Total 6,663,551 6,679,120 15,569 0.2

Popular Market

The tabloid market dropped 2.1% of its circulation overall in a year on year comparison. At individual titles, however, fortunes were more mixed.

The Daily Star was the best performer, news which must come as some comfort to owner Richard Desmond in the light of figures for the Express titles (see above). The Star’s circulation was up 13.4% for the July-December period, although it still has some way to go to reach the leading titles in the market.

The Sunday People brought up the rear in terms of percentage change in circulation. Its fall of 7.8% translated into a loss of over 100,000, but with a circulation of 1.38m, it remains among the top five popular titles.

Popular Market Jul 01 – Dec 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul 00 – Dec 00 Jul 01 – Dec 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 613,927 597,419 -16,508 -2.7
Daily Star 546,991 620,420 73,429 13.4
Mirror 2,244,274 2,187,960 -56,314 -2.5
News Of The World 4,028,441 4,030,283 1,842 0.0
Racing Post 74,913 77,283 2,370 3.2
Sport First 76,664 85,448 8,784 11.5
Sun 3,608,827 3,472,841 -135,986 -3.8
Sunday Mirror 1,904,858 1,836,413 -68,445 -3.6
Sunday People 1,499,224 1,382,366 -116,858 -7.8
Sunday Sport 200,086 202,938 2,852 1.4
Total 14,798,205 14,493,371 -304,834 -2.1

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