
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – February 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – February 2001

Month On Month

Figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for February 2001 show that national newspaper circulation fell by 1.1% month on month. Most titles saw a drop in their circulation base during the period, with just eight newspapers bucking the trend.

The worst performers were the Sun, which saw a 3.7% dip in sales to 3.5m and the Daily Mail, down 3.5% to 2.4m. The Guardian also took a tumble, down 3.2% to just under the 400,000 mark.

On the up were the two Mirror titles: the Daily Mirror put on 2.9% to 2.2m and the Sunday Mirror added 2.6% to its circulation base, which now stands at 1.9m.

National Newspaper February 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Jan 2001 Feb 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 979,042 950,523 -28,519 -2.9
Daily Mail 2,479,768 2,394,052 -85,716 -3.5
Daily Record 603,914 601,639 -2,275 -0.4
Daily Star 543,807 556,502 12,695 2.3
Daily Telegraph 1,022,263 1,010,620 -11,643 -1.1
Financial Times 478,161 476,341 -1,820 -0.4
Guardian 410,152 396,886 -13,266 -3.2
Independent 223,645 223,958 313 0.1
Independent On Sunday 250,462 251,124 662 0.3
Mail On Sunday 2,373,007 2,318,537 -54,470 -2.3
Mirror 2,149,422 2,212,073 62,651 2.9
News Of The World 4,026,288 3,992,556 -33,732 -0.8
Observer 440,090 443,198 3,108 0.7
Racing Post 70,653 71,519 866 1.2
Sport First 82,816 79,901 -2,915 -3.5
Sun 3,626,561 3,494,108 -132,453 -3.7
Sunday Business 53,989 53,571 -418 -0.8
Sunday Express 879,622 875,724 -3,898 -0.4
Sunday Mirror 1,831,572 1,879,867 48,295 2.6
Sunday People 1,489,260 1,446,996 -42,264 -2.8
Sunday Sport 198,263 196,147 -2,116 -1.1
Sunday Telegraph 796,840 805,385 8,545 1.1
Sunday Times 1,416,080 1,394,381 -21,699 -1.5
Times 734,220 723,228 -10,992 -1.5
Total 27,159,897 26,848,836 -282,542 -1.1

Year On Year

Quality Market

Sales of broadsheet newspapers are on the increase, according to the latest ABC figures. In a year on year analysis, the market was up 1.6% to reach a total sales figure of 5.8m.

Best performer by far was the Financial Times, which saw sales improve by 10.7% during the period. The recent revamp of the Sunday Business will hopefully improve its poor sales performance: the title lost almost 15% of its circulation base in a yearly analysis.

Quality Market Sept 00 – Feb 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sept 99 – Feb 00 Sept 00 – Feb 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,033,987 1,018,334 -15,653 -1.5
Financial Times 432,485 478,863 46,378 10.7
Guardian 397,830 399,103 1,273 0.3
Independent 224,609 229,919 5,310 2.4
Independent On Sunday 251,133 251,737 604 0.2
Observer 413,489 444,407 30,918 7.5
Sunday Business 64,858 55,269 -9,589 -14.8
Sunday Telegraph 822,124 805,437 -16,687 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,363,969 1,398,019 34,050 2.5
Times 727,901 723,602 -4,299 -0.6
Total 5,691,007 5,780,285 89,278 1.6

Mid Market Titles

The mid market newspaper sector saw a slight dip in overall sales in a year on year analysis, down 0.6%. The worst casualties were again the Express titles which continue to suffer under new owners Northern & Shell. Sales of the Daily Express declined by a further 3.5%, while the Sunday Express lost 4.3% of its circulation base.

Mid Market Sept 00 – Jan 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sept 99 – Feb 00 Sept 00 – Feb 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,047,355 1,010,720 -36,635 -3.5
Daily Mail 2,370,731 2,394,889 24,158 1.0
Mail On Sunday 2,321,188 2,313,582 -7,606 -0.3
Sunday Express 972,395 930,392 -42,003 -4.3
Total 6,701,368 6,660,026 -41,342 -0.6

Popular Market

Sales of tabloid newspapers suffered the greatest losses in a year on year analysis, down 2.1%. Only the Daily Star managed to add significantly to its circulation base, up 6.5% to just under 550,000.

Sunday titles were the worst affected: the Sunday Mirror fell 5.2%, the Sunday People was down 5.8% and the Sport fell 4.1%. Sports newspaper Sport First was the worst casualty however, down 11.4% to just over 81,000.

Popular Market Sept 00 – Feb 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sept 99 – Feb 00 Sept 00 – Feb 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 634,026 609,229 -24,797 -3.9
Daily Star 513,882 547,057 33,175 6.5
Mirror 2,280,244 2,205,884 -74,360 -3.3
News Of The World 4,102,787 4,009,724 -93,063 -2.3
Racing Post 72,881 72,486 -395 -0.5
Sport First 91,847 81,336 -10,511 -11.4
Sun 3,568,695 3,572,506 3,811 0.1
Sunday Mirror 1,980,646 1,877,524 -103,122 -5.2
Sunday People 1,572,980 1,482,172 -90,808 -5.8
Sunday Sport 207,189 198,731 -8,458 -4.1
Total 15,077,573 14,767,887 -309,686 -2.1

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