
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – January 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – January 2001

Month on Month

Figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for January 2001 show that national newspaper circulation has grown by 2.6% month on month. Only four titles saw circulation losses during the period, while two showed neither loss nor gain.

The worst performers were the Express titles, under new owner Richard Desmond. Desmond is currently engaged in a dispute about ownership of the West Ferry printing plant, which, thanks to his Express buyout, he now controls jointly with Daily Telegraph chief executive Dan Colson. It is thought that Desmond is now trying to sell his share in order to raise capital for the ailing mid-market titles. The Sunday Express lost 5.1% of its circulation, or 47,000, during this period, while the Daily Express slipped below the 1m mark, losing 2.1% or 21,000 to 979,000.

The best gains were seen at either end of the quality spectrum. The Guardian and Independent on Sunday both added 5.9% to their circulation figures month on month, with the Guardian’s 23,000 taking it to 410,000. In the popular market, the Sun put in a solid month of circulation, adding 5.4% or 186,000.

National Newspaper January 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Dec 2000 Jan 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,000,388 979,042 -21,346 -2.1
Daily Mail 2,377,756 2,479,768 102,012 4.3
Daily Record 599,323 603,914 4,591 0.8
Daily Star 538,461 543,807 5,346 1.0
Daily Telegraph 1,016,170 1,022,263 6,093 0.6
Financial Times 485,102 478,161 -6,941 -1.4
Guardian 387,190 410,152 22,962 5.9
Independent 223,133 223,645 512 0.2
Independent On Sunday 236,424 250,462 14,038 5.9
Mail On Sunday 2,360,559 2,373,007 12,448 0.5
Mirror 2,111,026 2,149,422 38,396 1.8
News Of The World 3,848,954 4,026,288 177,334 4.6
Observer 428,451 440,090 11,639 2.7
Racing Post 70,684 70,653 -31 -0.0
Sport First 80,609 82,816 2,207 2.7
Sun 3,439,835 3,626,561 186,726 5.4
Sunday Business 54,010 53,989 -21 -0.0
Sunday Express 927,032 879,622 -47,410 -5.1
Sunday Mirror 1,768,349 1,831,572 63,223 3.6
Sunday People 1,444,406 1,489,260 44,854 3.1
Sunday Sport 192,423 198,263 5,840 3.0
Sunday Telegraph 807,889 796,840 -11,049 -1.4
Sunday Times 1,344,190 1,416,080 71,890 5.3
Times 723,428 734,220 10,792 1.5
Total 26,465,792 27,159,897 715,451 2.6

Year on Year

Quality Market

In the quality market, year on year movement was just 1.6% to the positive overall. The biggest moves within this were seen at the financial titles. Newcomer Sunday Business dropped 5,800, representing 9.5% of its circulation. The Financial Times, meanwhile, managed a year on year increase of 12.4% or 52,000, bringing its circulation to 474,000.

Quality Market Aug 00 – Jan ’01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 99 – Jan 00 Aug 00 – Jan 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,036,348 1,020,718 -15,630 -1.5
Financial Times 421,893 474,035 52,142 12.4
Guardian 394,162 397,585 3,423 0.9
Independent 224,554 229,863 5,309 2.4
Independent On Sunday 249,548 249,980 432 0.2
Observer 407,770 443,232 35,462 8.7
Sunday Business 61,416 55,603 -5,813 -9.5
Sunday Telegraph 822,032 804,785 -17,247 -2.1
Sunday Times 1,348,604 1,382,978 34,374 2.5
Times 724,680 721,506 -3,174 -0.4
Total 5,691,007 5,780,285 89,278 1.6

Mid Market

The mid market looked weak year on year for this period, its drop of 0.6% overall mainly made up of the Express titles’ losses. The Daily Express lost 28,000 or 2.7%, while its Sunday sister lost 3.3% or 32,000 to drop below the 950,000 mark. Only the Daily Mail had any good fortune in this sector, gaining 1% or 24,000.

Mid Market Aug’00 – Jan ’01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 99 – Jan 00 Aug 00- Jan 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,053,962 1,025,488 -28,474 -2.7
Daily Mail 2,365,051 2,388,884 23,833 1.0
Mail On Sunday 2,304,851 2,300,336 -4,515 -0.2
Sunday Express 977,504 945,318 -32,186 -3.3
Total 6,701,368 6,660,026 -41,342 -0.6

Popular Market

The popular market was the worst performing sector, with a year on year overall circulation drop of 2.1%. Sport First showed the largest percentage decrease, losing 13.3% or 12,000. The Daily Star fared best, adding nearly 30,000 or 5.7%

The News of the World continues to command by far the largest circulation in the sector, with over 4m, despite losing 1.5% or 63,000 during this period.

Popular Market Aug ’00 – Jan ’01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 99 – Jan 00 Aug 00 – Jan 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 636,947 613,099 -23,848 -3.7
Daily Star 518,011 547,656 29,645 5.7
Mirror 2,297,405 2,222,811 -74,594 -3.2
News Of The World 4,093,079 4,029,945 -63,134 -1.5
Racing Post 73,361 73,957 596 0.8
Sport First 93,016 80,678 -12,338 -13.3
Sun 3,584,020 3,614,303 30,283 0.8
Sunday Mirror 1,989,940 1,888,318 -101,622 -5.1
Sunday People 1,583,535 1,496,246 -87,289 -5.5
Sunday Sport 208,259 200,874 -7,385 -3.5
Total 15,077,573 14,767,887 -309,686 -2.1

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