
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up June 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up June 2001

Month On Month

National Newspaper circulation data for June 2001 has just been released and month on month analysis of the figures shows that circulation across all titles has risen by 0.3% or 106,604 copies sold.

Sport First suffered the greatest loss in terms of percentage change in circulation, dropping 14% month on month. This equates to a loss of 10,453.

The biggest loss  in actual numbers was at the Sunday Mirror which saw circulation drop 33,226 bringing total circulation to just above 1.8m.

The Daily Mail saw the greatest increase, with circulation rising 30,189. The Racing Post saw the most significant percentage rise with an increase of 3.9% bringing the total circulation to 84,126.

National Newspaper June 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title May 2001 June 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 956,239 940,961 -15,278 -1.6
Daily Mail 2,415,273 2,445,462 30,189 1.2
Daily Record 593,961 596,255 2,294 0.4
Daily Star 595,236 611,584 16,348 2.7
Daily Telegraph 1,020,363 1,014,948 -5,415 -0.5
Financial Times 486,725 489,865 3,140 0.6
Guardian 403,210 409,190 5,980 1.5
Independent 226,433 227,454 1,021 0.5
Independent On Sunday 252,672 245,062 -7,610 -3.0
Mail On Sunday 2,328,604 2,356,590 27,986 1.2
Mirror 2,193,228 2,194,866 1,638 0.1
News Of The World 3,899,417 3,923,421 24,004 0.6
Observer 453,095 464,536 11,441 2.5
Racing Post 80,944 84,126 3,182 3.9
Sport First 74,726 64,273 -10,453 -14.0
Sun 3,447,499 3,452,588 5,089 0.1
Sunday Business 56,348 55,058 -1,290 -2.3
Sunday Express 899,977 872,869 -27,108 -3.0
Sunday Mirror 1,865,943 1,832,717 -33,226 -1.8
Sunday People 1,372,032 1,387,808 15,776 1.1
Sunday Sport 195,768 202,540 6,772 3.5
Sunday Telegraph 794,653 804,476 9,823 1.2
Sunday Times 1,361,281 1,388,635 27,354 2.0
Times 706,733 706,402 -331 -0.0
Total 26,680,360 26,771,686 106,604 0.3

Quality Market

Year on year analysis of the quality market reveals that the Observer and the Financial Times experienced the biggest gains. The former saw an 8.7% improvement in circulation, equating to 36,140 increase in circulation, while the latter saw a 6.5% year on year percentage gain, adding 29,610.

At the other end of the scale Sunday Business saw the largest drop in percentage terms, slipping 18.9% year on year. The worst fall in actual circulation was at the Daily Telegraph which lost 15,883, bringing its total down to just over 1m.

Quality Market Jan 00 – June 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan 00-June 00 Jan 01-June 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,033,680 1,017,797 -15,883 -1.5
Financial Times 457,653 487,263 29,610 6.5
Guardian 396,534 403,306 6,772 1.7
Independent 224,224 225,639 1,415 0.6
Independent On Sunday 248,564 250,164 1,600 0.6
Observer 415,004 451,144 36,140 8.7
Sunday Business 68,436 55,497 -12,939 -18.9
Sunday Telegraph 811,408 804,039 -7,369 -0.9
Sunday Times 1,369,461 1,385,637 16,176 1.2
Times 722,642 715,310 -7,332 -1.0
Total 5,747,606 5,795,796 48,190 0.8

Mid Market

Year on year analysis of the mid market reveals a loss in total circulation of 0.8% and the gap between Mail and Express titles continues to widen.

The Daily Express saw a 9.6% loss year on year, shedding 102,126 of its total circulation, which now sits at 963,147.

The Sunday Express followed closely behind, dropping 6.6% or 64,795 copies to 912,996.

The Daily Mail added 2.2% or 51,792 to its circulation, bringing it to just under 2.5m. The Mail On Sunday gained 2.8% or 64,096 to reach 2,362,071.

Mid Market Jan 01 – June 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan 00-June 00 Jan 01-June 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,065,273 963,147 -102,126 -9.6
Daily Mail 2,376,468 2,428,260 51,792 2.2
Mail On Sunday 2,297,915 2,362,011 64,096 2.8
Sunday Express 977,791 912,996 -64,795 -6.6
Total 6,717,447 6,666,414 -51,033 -0.8

Popular Market

The popular market continued to decline, with year on year analysis showing a 2.5% drop in circulation.

Again the Daily Star was the only title not to see circulation fall, adding 12.5%.

The Sunday People saw the greatest decrease, with circulation dropping 123,436 or 8%.

The Racing Post also suffered with circulation down by 3,831 or 4.8%.

Popular Market Dec 00 – May 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan 00 – June 00 Jan 01 – June 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 620,103 599,574 -20,529 -3.3
Daily Star 515,246 579,584 64,338 12.5
Mirror 2,258,950 2,193,791 -65,159 -2.9
News Of The World 4,041,987 3,974,458 -67,529 -1.7
Racing Post 80,318 76,487 -3,831 -4.8
Sport First 75,627 76,206 579 0.8
Sun 3,563,803 3,499,882 -63,921 -1.8
Sunday Mirror 1,939,513 1,849,346 -90,167 -4.6
Sunday People 1,538,991 1,415,555 -123,436 -8.0
Sunday Sport 199,342 195,554 -3,788 -1.9
Total 14,833,880 14,460,437 -373,443 -2.5

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