
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – May 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – May 2001

Month on Month

National newspaper circulation data for May 2001 has now been released. The figures reveal a continuing decrease in circulation across all titles in a month on month analysis, falling 1.8% or just over 450,000.

The greatest loss in terms of percentage change in circulation was at the Sunday Express, which lost 10.8% of its circulation month on month. This equates to a loss in numbers of 108,595.The biggest loss in terms of numbers of copies sold was at the News Of The World which saw circulation drop of by 139,881 to see over all circulation dip well below 4m.The Sunday Mirror saw the biggest increase in terms of numbers of copies sold upping circulation by 21,144. The Sunday Sport saw the greatest percentage rise in circulation with an increase of 5.5%, pushing the total number of copies sold to 195,768.

National Newspaper May 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title April 2001 May 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 983,890 956,239 -27,651 -2.8
Daily Mail 2,445,421 2,415,273 -30,148 -1.2
Daily Record 600,285 593,961 -6,324 -1.1
Daily Star 588,727 595,236 6,509 1.1
Daily Telegraph 1,020,800 1,020,363 -437 -0.0
Financial Times 482,086 486,725 4,639 1.0
Guardian 401,665 403,210 1,545 0.4
Independent 226,007 226,433 426 0.2
Independent On Sunday 250,514 252,672 2,158 0.9
Mail On Sunday 2,388,529 2,328,604 -59,925 -2.5
Mirror 2,217,761 2,193,228 -24,533 -1.1
News Of The World 4,039,298 3,899,417 -139,881 -3.5
Observer 450,410 453,095 2,685 0.6
Racing Post 80,550 80,944 394 0.5
Sport First 80,069 74,726 -5,343 -6.7
Sun 3,493,559 3,447,499 -46,060 -1.3
Sunday Business 55,586 56,348 762 1.4
Sunday Express 1,008,572 899,977 -108,595 -10.8
Sunday Mirror 1,844,799 1,865,943 21,144 1.1
Sunday People 1,404,914 1,372,032 -32,882 -2.3
Sunday Sport 185,593 195,768 10,175 5.5
Sunday Telegraph 809,615 794,653 -14,962 -1.8
Sunday Times 1,394,107 1,361,281 -32,826 -2.4
Times 711,365 706,733 -4,632 -0.7
Total 27,164,122 26,680,360 -456,111 -1.8

Year on Year

Quality Market

In year on year analysis of the quality market, the Observer and the Financial Times saw the biggest gains, with the former seeing an 8.4% improvement in circulation, representing just under 35,000 added to its total, while the latter saw a 7.1% year on year percentage increase, with 32,433 added.

At the opposite end of the scale, the largest drop in percentage increase terms was again seen at Sunday Business which dropped 19.4% year on year. The worst fall in actual circulation was at the Daily Telegraph, which lost 14,736 leaving it with a total of 1,018,088.

Quality Market Dec 00 – May 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec99-May00 Dec00-May01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,032,824 1,018,088 -14,736 -1.4
Financial Times 453,933 486,366 32,433 7.1
Guardian 395,674 399,295 3,621 0.9
Independent 223,581 224,832 1,251 0.6
Independent On Sunday 249,182 249,450 268 0.1
Observer 410,700 445,273 34,573 8.4
Sunday Business 68,721 55,397 -13,324 -19.4
Sunday Telegraph 814,944 804,591 -10,353 -1.3
Sunday Times 1,366,499 1,379,305 12,806 0.9
Times 720,383 718,536 -1,847 -0.3
Total 5,736,441 5,781,133 44,692 0.8

Mid Market

The mid market again remained relatively stable in a year on year analysis, shedding just 0.1% of its total circulation. However, the gap between the Mail titles and the Express titles continues to widen.

The Daily Express saw a 7.6% loss on the same period last year, with an actual reduction of 80,128 once again bringing circulation down to below the million mark.

The Sunday Express followed suit with a loss of 5.4% or 52,917 copies to 923,295.The Daily Mail added 2.2% or 52,999 to its circulation which now stands at almost 2.5m. The Sunday Mail added 72,121 or 3.1% to reach 2.36m.

Mid Market Dec 00 – May 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 99-May 00 Dec 00-May 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,054,286 974,158 -80,128 -7.6
Daily Mail 2,362,944 2,415,943 52,999 2.2
Mail On Sunday 2,290,881 2,363,002 72,121 3.1
Sunday Express 976,612 923,695 -52,917 -5.4
Total 6,684,723 6,676,798 -7,925 -0.1

Popular Market

The popular market continued to slip, with year on year analysis revealing a 2.5% reduction in circulation. The Daily Star was the only title not to see its circulation drop, adding 10.6%.The Sunday People saw the largest loss, dropping 120,736 or 7.8% of its circulation. The Racing Post faired only slightly better with a reduction of 5.8% or 4,501.

Popular Market Dec 00 – May 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 99 – May 00 Dec 00 – May 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 622,337 600,206 -22,131 -3.6
Daily Star 511,748 566,004 54,256 10.6
Mirror 2,252,561 2,179,105 -73,456 -3.3
News Of The World 4,031,686 3,968,944 -62,742 -1.6
Racing Post 78,273 73,772 -4,501 -5.8
Sport First 82,060 79,296 -2,764 -3.4
Sun 3,536,830 3,498,974 -37,856 -1.1
Sunday Mirror 1,940,711 1,842,397 -98,314 -5.1
Sunday People 1,546,532 1,425,796 -120,736 -7.8
Sunday Sport 199,597 193,707 -5,890 -3.0
Total 14,802,335 14,428,201 -374,134 -2.5

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