
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – October 2000

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – October 2000

Month on Month

The latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) show that sales of national newspapers fell by 1.2% during the month of October, effectively cancelling out the gain in overall circulation which occurred during September.

The biggest losses in month on month analysis were seen at high ranking popular title the Sun, where the loss of more than 166,000 copies translated into a month on month loss of 4.4%. The Daily Record also did badly during October, shedding 20,500 or 3.2% of its circulation.

The Independent on Sunday made the best gains in terms of percentage change, month on month, as 28,000 copies boosted its circulation by 11.6%. However, the recent growth in circulation at the Financial Times appeared to have lost its momentum during October, remaining steady, up just 0.5% at just under 476,500.

National Newspaper October 2000 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Sep 2000 Oct 2000 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,047,343 1,039,369 -7,974 -0.8
Daily Mail 2,398,973 2,391,229 -7,744 -0.3
Daily Record 631,449 610,950 -20,499 -3.2
Daily Star 554,393 549,754 -4,639 -0.8
Daily Telegraph 1,030,539 1,014,767 -15,772 -1.5
Financial Times 474,310 476,460 2,150 0.5
Guardian 402,565 401,567 -998 -0.2
Independent 227,314 240,272 12,958 5.7
Independent On Sunday 242,454 270,640 28,186 11.6
Mail On Sunday 2,294,172 2,292,001 -2,171 -0.1
Mirror 2,305,872 2,252,627 -53,245 -2.3
News Of The World 4,111,840 4,068,042 -43,798 -1.1
Observer 448,420 460,427 12,007 2.7
Racing Post 75,924 73,437 -2,487 -3.3
Sport First 77,845 81,947 4,102 5.3
Sun 3,755,646 3,589,204 -166,442 -4.4
Sunday Business 57,340 56,807 -533 -0.9
Sunday Express 971,680 967,178 -4,502 -0.5
Sunday Mirror 1,938,698 1,940,808 2,110 0.1
Sunday People 1,528,903 1,492,437 -36,466 -2.4
Sunday Sport 201,551 198,746 -2,805 -1.4
Sunday Telegraph 813,464 801,866 -11,598 -1.4
Sunday Times 1,402,063 1,411,942 9,879 0.7
Times 730,679 718,213 -12,466 -1.7
Total 26,676,094 26,361,321 -314,773 -1.2

Year on Year

Quality Market

The year on year analysis of the quality market shows a small rise of 1.5% overall. Business titles the Financial Times and Sunday Business continue their pattern of increasing circulation, with the FT adding 15.4% and the Sunday Business 8.9% during October.

The Observer also enjoyed a boost to its year on year readership figures, adding 8.9%, or just over 30,000 copies. The worst performer, like last month, was the Daily Telegraph, which dropped 2.1%

Quality Market May 00- Oct ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title May 99 – Oct 99 May 00 – Oct 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,042,002 1,026,634 -15,368 -1.5
Financial Times 400,007 461,733 61,726 15.4
Guardian 391,908 395,770 3,862 1.0
Independent 224,563 227,519 2,956 1.3
Independent On Sunday 245,543 247,061 1,518 0.6
Observer 400,296 435,851 35,555 8.9
Sunday Business 56,658 59,372 2,714 4.8
Sunday Telegraph 822,021 804,814 -17,207 -2.1
Sunday Times 1,343,119 1,356,010 12,891 1.0
Times 724,996 721,505 -3,491 -0.5
Total 5,651,113 5,736,269 85,156 1.5

Mid Market

A year on year analysis of the mid market titles shows that the sector remains more or less static, dropping just 0.5% overall. The only increase was provided by the Daily Mail, which added just 0.8%, while both Express titles dropped over 2% from their circulation.

Mid Market May’00-Oct’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title May 99 – Oct 99 May 00 – Oct 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,082,024 1,055,336 -26,688 -2.5
Daily Mail 2,370,695 2,389,489 18,794 0.8
Mail On Sunday 2,290,698 2,284,680 -6,018 -0.3
Sunday Express 993,224 971,183 -22,041 -2.2
Total 6,736,641 6,700,688 -35,953 -0.5

Popular Market

The popular market was the worst performing sector once again in the year on year analysis. An overall drop of 2.37% was not helped by Sport First, which shed 12.9%, or the Sunday People which fell by over 87,000 copies, or 5.46%. The Sunday Sport had more bad news, falling 5.27%.

Left to carry the flag for the popular titles were the Racing Posts and Daily Star– the only two titles to make gains this month. The Racing Post put in a modest increase of nearly 2%, while the Daily Star managed almost 3%.

Popular Market May 00 – Oct 00 YoY Comparisons
Title May99-Oct99 May00-Oct00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 637,112 618,132 -18,980 -2.98
Daily Star 526,007 541,343 15,336 2.92
Mirror 2,346,970 2,278,542 -68,428 -2.92
News Of The World 4,106,937 4,027,585 -79,352 -1.93
Racing Post 77,324 78,843 1,519 1.96
Sport First 78,252 68,124 -10,128 -12.94
Sun 3,666,189 3,628,097 -38,092 -1.04
Sunday Mirror 1,997,098 1,932,761 -64,337 -3.22
Sunday People 1,597,958 1,510,772 -87,186 -5.46
Sunday Sport 210,244 199,168 -11,076 -5.27
Total 15,244,091 14,883,367 -360,724 -2.37

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