
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – September 2000

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up – September 2000

Month on Month

In a month on month analysis, sales of national newspapers rose by 1.1% during September 2000. Figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) showed that small rises were seen across the majority of titles.

The heaviest losses were felt at the Racing Post where sales dropped by over 4,500 copies or 5.8%. The Sunday Sport fell even more in terms of actual change in circulation, losing almost 7,500, representing 3.6% of its circulation base.

The largest increases in circulation were seen at the Sunday Times, which increased by 7.2%, and the Financial Times, which increased by 6.1%.

National Newspaper September 2000 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Aug 2000 Sep 2000 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,039,738 1,047,343 7,605 0.7
Daily Mail 2,357,778 2,398,973 41,195 1.7
Daily Record 625,181 631,449 6,268 1.0
Daily Star 560,070 554,393 -5,677 -1.0
Daily Telegraph 1,025,027 1,030,539 5,512 0.5
Financial Times 446,969 474,310 27,341 6.1
Guardian 387,719 402,565 14,846 3.8
Independent 223,608 227,314 3,706 1.7
Independent On Sunday 241,025 242,454 1,429 0.6
Mail On Sunday 2,239,062 2,294,172 55,110 2.5
Mirror 2,314,335 2,305,872 -8,463 -0.4
News Of The World 4,108,833 4,111,840 3,007 0.1
Observer 436,152 448,420 12,268 2.8
Racing Post 80,592 75,924 -4,668 -5.8
Sport First 75,782 77,845 2,063 2.7
Sun 3,746,636 3,755,646 9,010 0.2
Sunday Business 55,570 57,340 1,770 3.2
Sunday Express 969,009 971,680 2,671 0.3
Sunday Mirror 1,944,633 1,938,698 -5,935 -0.3
Sunday People 1,527,926 1,528,903 977 0.1
Sunday Sport 209,007 201,551 -7,456 -3.6
Sunday Telegraph 801,300 813,464 12,164 1.5
Sunday Times 1,307,892 1,402,063 94,171 7.2
Times 710,562 730,679 20,117 2.8
Total 26,394,668 26,676,094 281,426 1.1

Year On Year

Quality Market

In the year on year analysis of the quality market, which grew by 1.3% overall, business titles the Financial Times and Sunday Business continue to show the largest increases, with 17.3% and 8.6% respectively.

The Observer also managed to make good gains during September, rising 7.6% or over 30,000 copies. The worst performer was the Daily Telegraph, which fell 2%.

Quality Market Apr 00-Sep ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Apr 99 – Sep 99 Apr 00- Sep 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,043,848 1,029,082 -14,766 -1.4
Financial Times 391,067 458,658 67,591 17.3
Guardian 391,604 393,634 2,030 0.5
Independent 223,587 225,059 1,472 0.7
Independent On Sunday 243,795 243,917 122 0.1
Observer 398,443 428,733 30,290 7.6
Sunday Business 55,991 60,832 4,841 8.6
Sunday Telegraph 822,163 805,316 -16,847 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,347,412 1,351,354 3,942 0.3
Times 726,340 720,564 -5,776 -0.8
Total 5,644,250 5,717,149 72,899 1.3

Mid Market

The mid market failed to make any headway during September, falling 0.3% in the year on year analysis. The Daily Express was the worst performer, dropping 2.2% or around 24,000 copies, followed by sister title the Sunday Express, whose circulation fell away by 1.9%.

Mid Market Apr’00-Sep ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Apr 99 – Sep 99 Apr 00 – Sep 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,086,760 1,062,366 -24,394 -2.2
Daily Mail 2,364,315 2,384,117 19,802 0.8
Mail On Sunday 2,273,270 2,278,484 5,214 0.2
Sunday Express 994,697 975,664 -19,033 -1.9
Total 6,719,042 6,700,631 -18,411 -0.3

Popular Market

The popular market showed a year on year decrease of 2.7% during September. Contributing to this drop were the poor performances of Sport First which dropped over 6,000 copies or 8.7%, the Sunday Sport which fell by 6% and the Sunday People which dropped 5.8%

The only titles in this category to manage gains were the Daily Star, which was 2.2% up year on year, and the Racing Post, up 1.8% in year on year analysis, despite a poor month on month performance (see above).

Popular Market Apr 00-Sep ’00 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Apr 99 – Sep 99 Apr 00 – Sep 00 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 638,944 619,349 -19,595 -3.1
Daily Star 525,365 537,097 11,732 2.2
Mirror 2,350,737 2,279,364 -71,373 -3.0
News Of The World 4,110,810 4,018,155 -92,655 -2.3
Racing Post 78,992 80,423 1,431 1.8
Sport First 73,801 67,392 -6,409 -8.7
Sun 3,687,370 3,624,234 -63,136 -1.7
Sunday Mirror 1,985,944 1,926,188 -59,756 -3.0
Sunday People 1,608,277 1,514,214 -94,063 -5.8
Sunday Sport 210,712 197,986 -12,726 -6.0
Total 15,270,952 14,864,402 -406,550 -2.7

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