
National Newspaper Round-Up September 2001

National Newspaper Round-Up September 2001

The latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) show that the national newspaper market as a whole saw a month on month increase of 3% from August to September this year. The events of 11 September led to a general increase in demand.

Sport First saw the most significant increase in terms of percentage with circulation rising 14% month on month. Total circulation for the title, which has recently been included free in Sunday Business as part of a promotion, rose to 97,670. National broadsheets saw circulation increase across the board in month on month analysis. The most notable rise was seen at the Observer, which experienced a 13.7% gain to bring its total circulation to 514,117, an actual increase of 61,786.

Only six titles saw circulation fall month on month. The Racing Post experienced the most significant loss with circulation dropping 6.7% or 5,449 to bring its total circulation down to 75,495. The Sun saw circulation drop by 1% to 3,565,810, an actual loss of 35,600.

National Newspaper September 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Aug 2001 Sept 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 963,433 976,417 12,984 1.3
Daily Mail 2,425,827 2,586,667 160,840 6.6
Daily Record 614,212 606,853 -7,359 -1.2
Daily Star 638,629 632,438 -6,191 -1.0
Daily Telegraph 1,020,803 1,048,001 27,198 2.7
Financial Times 467,564 481,818 14,254 3.0
Guardian 390,041 442,454 52,413 13.4
Independent 224,178 242,793 18,615 8.3
Independent On Sunday 231,462 247,496 16,034 6.9
Mail On Sunday 2,341,971 2,454,897 112,926 4.8
Mirror 2,225,015 2,271,236 46,221 2.1
News Of The World 4,114,574 4,161,617 47,043 1.1
Observer 452,331 514,117 61,786 13.7
Racing Post 80,944 75,495 -5,449 -6.7
Sport First 85,646 97,670 12,024 14.0
Sun 3,601,410 3,565,810 -35,600 -1.0
Sunday Business 55,288 60,591 5,303 9.6
Sunday Express 876,421 905,973 29,552 3.4
Sunday Mirror 1,891,164 1,922,066 30,902 1.6
Sunday People 1,421,564 1,412,463 -9,101 -0.6
Sunday Sport 208,825 208,331 -494 -0.2
Sunday Telegraph 801,702 849,406 47,704 6.0
Sunday Times 1,312,771 1,458,209 145,438 11.1
Times 709,826 751,441 41,615 5.9
Total 27,155,601 27,974,259 805,674 3.0

Quality Market

The Observer saw an 9.2% year on year increase in its circulation during August, taking it to 468,379. At the other end of the scale Sunday Business dropped 7.1% in a year on year analysis, to 56,496.

The worst fall in actual numbers was seen at the Daily Telegraph, which lost 6,066 bringing its total circulation to just over the million mark. This was closely followed by the Times which shed 5,029 from its total circulation year on year.

Quality Market April 01 – Sept 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title April 00 – Sept 00 April 01 – Sept 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,029,082 1,023,016 -6,066 -0.6
Financial Times 458,658 478,715 20,057 4.4
Guardian 393,634 408,656 15,022 3.8
Independent 225,059 228,830 3,771 1.7
Independent On Sunday 243,917 243,477 -440 -0.2
Observer 428,733 468,379 39,646 9.2
Sunday Business 60,832 56,496 -4,336 -7.1
Sunday Telegraph 805,316 809,284 3,968 0.5
Sunday Times 1,351,354 1,375,103 23,749 1.8
Times 720,564 715,535 -5,029 -0.7
Total 5,717,149 5,807,491 90,342 1.6

Mid Market

Year on year analysis of the mid-market reveals that the situation remains relatively unchanged with the Express titles losing ground and the Mail titles gaining ground. The Daily Express saw a 9.4% drop in year on year analysis, which is just under 100,000 in terms of actual numbers. The Daily Mail saw a year on year increase of 3.5% or 83,682.

Mid Market April 01 – Sept 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title April 00 – Sept 00 April 01 – Sept 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,062,366 962,828 -99,538 -9.4
Daily Mail 2,384,117 2,467,799 83,682 3.5
Mail On Sunday 2,278,484 2,381,408 102,924 4.5
Sunday Express 975,664 903,125 -72,539 -7.4
Total 6,700,631 6,715,160 14,529 0.2

Popular Market

In the popular market Sports First saw the most significant increase in terms of percentage, with circulation climbing 15.8% in year on year analysis. The Daily Star also saw a notable gain with circulation rising 79,506 to 616,603. At the other end of the scale the Sunday People experienced the greatest year on year drop during September, with circulation falling 7.6% or 114,503, to just above the 1.3 million mark.

Popular Market April 01 – Sept 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title April 00 – Sept 00 April 01 – Sept 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 619,349 601,567 -17,782 -2.9
Daily Star 537,097 616,603 79,506 14.8
Mirror 2,279,364 2,221,749 -57,615 -2.5
News Of The World 4,018,155 4,032,179 14,024 0.3
Racing Post 80,423 79,853 -570 -0.7
Sport First 67,392 78,064 10,672 15.8
Sun 3,624,234 3,513,685 -110,549 -3.1
Sunday Mirror 1,926,188 1,872,433 -53,755 -2.8
Sunday People 1,514,214 1,399,711 -114,503 -7.6
Sunday Sport 197,986 199,979 1,993 1.0

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