
National Press Round-Up – July

National Press Round-Up – July


The Times and the FT performed the best among the daily quality newspapers in July, while The Independent suffered the biggest loss. The Times‘s circulation was up 14.94% on July last year to over 753,000 copies, with the FT‘s circulation rising 4.54% year-on-year to 297,194. The Independent‘s circulation dropped by over 31,000 copies (or 10.41%) to 268,527. The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph experienced little change year-on-year.

Amongst the quality Sundays all titles except the Sunday Times experienced a decline in circulation. The Independent On Sunday‘s circulation dropped by almost 11% year-on-year to 290,101 copies, while the Observer and Sunday Telegraph experienced losses of 0.95% and 1.16% respectively.

July ’96 Year-on-Year Comparisons – Qualities

Survey: ABC Total July ’95 July ’96 % Ch Actual Change
Daily Telegraph 1,059,503 1,052,003 -0.71 -7,500
Financial Times 284,280 297,194 4.54 12,914
Guardian 392,638 392,971 0.08 333
Independent 299,744 268,527 -10.41 -31,217
Times 655,832 753,784 14.94 97,952
Independent On Sunday 325,784 290,101 -10.95 -35,683
Observer 438,733 434,580 -0.95 -4,153
Sunday Telegraph 700,610 692,477 -1.16 -8,133
Sunday Times 1,221,285 1,281,391 4.92 60,106


Both of the Express titles continued their downward spiral in July: the Daily Express‘s circulation was down 2.81% (or 35,205 copies) to 1.219 million and the Sunday Express was down 12.6% (or over 173,000 copies) to just over 1.2 million. The Express’s rival however again performed exceptionally well: the Daily Mail‘s circulation increased by almost 260,000 (up 14.35%) to over 2 million while the Mail On Sunday grew by 2.54% to 2.076 million.

July ’96 Year-on-Year Comparisons – Mid-Markets

Survey: ABC Total July ’95 July ’96 % Ch Actual Change
Daily Express 1,254,309 1,219,104 -2.81 -35,205
Daily Mail 1,809,661 2,069,348 14.35 259,687
Mail On Sunday 2,025,014 2,076,400 2.54 51,386
Sunday Express 1,375,236 1,201,985 -12.6 -173,251


The Daily Star performed best in the popular sector in July, increasing its circulation by 3.27% year-on-year to over 758,000 copies. The Sun also reported an increase, though much smaller at 0.11%, to 3.978 million. The Daily Mirror continued its decline, with circulation falling by 6.41%, or 166,000 copies, to 2.43 million.

The popular Sundays put in a poor performance, with all titles experiencing a decline. The Sunday Sport‘s circulation dropped by nearly 26,000 copies (down 9.16%), while the News Of The World dropped by 4.79% to 4.459 million. The People and Sunday Mirror circulations were down 0.37% and 4.79% respectively.

July ’96 Year-on-Year Comparisons – Populars

Survey: ABC Total July ’95 July ’96 % Ch Actual Change
Daily Mirror 2,596,733 2,430,204 -6.41 -166,529
Daily Star 734,821 758,873 3.27 24,052
Sun 3,974,337 3,978,524 0.11 4,187
News Of The World 4,684,245 4,459,654 -4.79 -224,591
People 2,062,606 2,054,907 -0.37 -7,699
Sunday Mirror 2,585,601 2,469,874 -4.48 -115,727
Sunday Sport 283,023 257,096 -9.16 -25,927

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