
National Press Round-Up – September

National Press Round-Up – September

Two years on from the start of the price war among the quality press, in September 1993, the longer effects can now be seen.

The overall effect on the daily quality market has been an increase of over 250,000 copies. The Daily Telegraph, the market leader with a 39% share (September’95 ABC) has maintained its leadership, with its own circulation up by over 50,000 copies on September’93.

The Times however, which started the war has managed to reduce the difference between it and the Telegraph from over 560,000 copies in Sep’93 to 380,000 this September. It is fast approaching the 700,000 mark; its September monthly ABC was 681,638, up 12.3% year on year. The casualty of the qualities has been the Independent, whose latest ABC is back below 300,000, and represents a fall of 12% on the start of the price war, or 39,000 copies.

ABC Total Sep’93 Sep’95 % Ch Actual Ch
Times 442,106 681,638 54.17 239,532
Daily Telegraph 1,007,687 1,062,992 5.48 55,305
Financial Times 287,493 295,520 2.79 8,027
Guardian 403,937 398,299 -1.39 -5,638
Independent 332,435 293,407 -11.74 -39,028
Total 2,473,658 2,731,856 10.4 258,198

Whilst the general picture for all the national newspapers in September seems very healthy compared to last month, with almost all recording month on month increases, this is somewhat misleading due to holidays taken in August.

Year on year the Times fared best of all the nationals in terms of monthly ABC figures; the Financial Times and the Independent did improve on last September, by 1.8% and 1.2% respectively, but both the Daily Telegraph and Guardian lost circulation on last year, both by around 3%.September was a busy month for the Sunday Telegraph, with the launch of its magazine, plus the start of a £1m ad campaign. Its monthly ABC, of 672,172 was down by 1.2% on last year, however, and down by 11,000 copies on August. It had reached a peak of 719,000 copies in May this year.

The Independent on Sunday increased its circulation by 4.5% year on year in September, the effect of its revamp in August seeming to be holding. The Sunday Times remains dominant, increasing circulation this month by 44,000 copies compared to last year, to 1,277,449. The Observer had a very good month compared to August, up 9%, following its revamp this September, giving it its best figure so far this year, 476,639.

Sep’94 Sep’95 % Ch Actual Ch
Times 607,143 681,638 12.26 74,495
Financial Times 290,284 295,520 1.8 5,236
Independent 290,031 293,407 1.16 3,376
Daily Telegraph 1,091,622 1,062,992 -2.62 -28,630
Guardian 410,786 398,299 -3.03 -12,487
Independent on Sunday 315,735 330,026 4.52 14,291
Sunday Times 1,233,231 1,277,449 3.58 44,218
Observer 477,093 476,639 -0.09 -454
Sunday Telegraph 680,591 672,172 -1.23 -8,419

Among the mid-market titles, there is a clear split between the Associated and Express titles. Both Associated titles recorded increases in their monthly ABCs year on year, and both the Express titles recorded decreases.

The Mail on Sunday recorded an ABC of over 2 million for the third consecutive month, up 9% or 168,388 copies on last year, and the Daily Mail also fared well, up 5% or 87,446 copies on last year to 1,866,197. These fared better than any other national newspaper bar the Times this month, and, conversely, the Express titles fared worst.

The Daily Express lost 4.1% or 54,503 copies on last year, to 1,268,557, although this is its highest ABC since May this year. The Sunday Express lost 4.04% or nearly 60,000 copies, but this was its highest figure since March.

Today, despite Murdoch’s recent speculations about its future, seems to be heading close to the 600,000 mark again – which it last had in January of this year – its monthly figure was 592,194, an increase of 2.2% year on year.

Sep’94 Sep’95 % Ch Actual Ch
Daily Express 1,323,060 1,268,557 -4.11 -54,503
Daily Mail 1,778,751 1,866,197 4.91 87,446
Today 611,993 592,194 -3.23 -19,799
Evening Standard 449,174 440,115 -2.01 -9,059
Sunday Express 1,463,447 1,404,261 -4.04 -59,186
Mail on Sunday 1,921,629 2,090,017 8.76 168,388

The Sun’s circulation has remained above the 4 million mark now for the past two months after June and July’s fall below. September saw the Sun’s figure down 2.52% year on year, but up by 1.1% or 44,000 copies on August. The Daily Mirror and the Daily Star both recorded increases year on year for their monthly figures; the Star up 0.47% to 757,080 and the Daily Mirror up by 0.24%to 2,559,636. Among the Sunday populars, the biggest mover was the People, up 3.82% year on year or 77,418 copies to 2,100,076. Its circulation figure has been consistently over the 2 million mark since July last year, although it did drop nearly 30,000 copies compared to August.

The Sunday Mirror and the Sunday Sport both had fairly steady months in September, with the biggest decrease year on year from the market leader, News of the World, which lost 1.55% year on year or 75,699 copies. However, its figure of 4,779,403 is the highest figure it has recorded this year since February.

Sep-94 Sep-95 %Ch Actual Ch
Daily Mirror 2,553,380 2,559,636 0.24 6,256
Sun 4,149,890 4,045,117 -2.52 -104,773
Daily Star 753,506 757,080 0.47 3,574
Sunday Sport 305,155 304,204 -0.31 -951
People 2,022,658 2,100,076 3.82 77,418
Sunday Mirror 2,590,530 2,596,593 0.23 6,063
News Of The World 4,855,102 4,779,403 -1.55 -75,699

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