
Navigation Is Top Downloadable Mobile Application

Navigation Is Top Downloadable Mobile Application

Location-based services (LBS) such as navigation, represented 51% of the $118 million in US revenue that downloadable mobile applications (such as LBS, weather applications, chat/community, and personal organisation tools) generated during Q2 2007, according to new research from Telephia.

The report adds that many consumers may not realise the utility of a navigation application on their mobile phone until they use it.

The Telephia second quarter report on mobile applications also reported that approximately 13 million mobile consumers downloaded a mobile application on their phone, whilst of the $118 million in revenue that these downloadable mobile applications generated during Q2 2007, LBS represented 51%.

Doug Antone, president and CEO of Networks In Motion, said “With consumer awareness increasing, there is enormous potential for even greater LBS growth, especially since Telephia research indicates that there are approximately 130 million GPS-capable handsets in the US alone, and growing.”

Average Price Paid by U.S. Consumers for Mobile Applications 
Mobile Application  Average Price Paid 
LBS $9.23
Weather $3.82
Sports $4.58
Wallpapers/Pictures $3.29
Music $4.99
Maps/Directions $3.95
Personal Organization Tools $5.41
Source: Telephia Mobile Application Report, Q2 2007 

Recent research from first direct found that there are now more mobile phones than people in the UK (see UK Has More Mobile Phones Than People).

Meanwhile, in September, M:Metrics revealed that text-based mobile advertising is nearly ubiquitous in Europe, with as many as three out of four mobile subscribers reporting they received an ad via SMS in July (see Text Based Ads Nearly Ubiquitous In Europe).

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