
New Broadband Switching Rules

New Broadband Switching Rules

Ofcom Logo Ofcom has announced new rules intended to ensure that customers are able to switch to a different broadband provider more quickly and easily.

+Ofcom’s research reveals that while 83% of UK internet users who have switched provider found it easy to do so, a significant minority have encountered problems.

A Migration Authorisation Code (MAC) is a unique alphanumeric reference that enables customers to switch broadband provider smoothly and with minimal disruption.

Without a MAC, customers can be left without broadband for some time while the transfer is made. Previously, MACs formed part of a voluntary code of practice supported by a number of broadband providers.

However, Ofcom is receiving an increasing number of complaints from consumers who find it difficult to obtain a MAC from their provider.

Therefore, from 14 February 2007, General Condition 22: Service Migrations will require broadband providers to supply consumers with a MAC upon request and free of charge.

Some retail broadband providers have been unable to supply their customers with MAC codes when they request them. This might be because the wholesale provider that supplies the broadband service refuses to hand over customer MACs until a contractual dispute with the retail provider has been resolved.

The new rules will mean that all wholesale providers must provide MAC codes to their customers, the retail broadband providers, upon request, regardless of any dispute.

Claudio Pollack, Ofcom director of consumer policy said: “Increased competition in broadband has led to falling prices and a wide variety of services.”

“These new rules are intended to ensure that switching is a quick and easy process for all.”

Ofcom: 020 7981 3040 www.ofcom.org.uk

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