The NRS Volume 1 1992 Report, which will be released at the end of the month, will include a number of new items for the first time.
Source of Copy Soure of copy data will be available for all publications with a minimum analysis base of three or six months. Possible options for source of copy are; delivered to home, bought from newsagent, postal subscription, office or work copy, and borrowed.
Consumer Items in Home Three extra items will be included in the self-completion section covering consumer goods in the home. These are Teletext, Subscription Cable TV and Satellite TV Dish.
TV Listings TV listings magazines will be reinstated in the ‘Any General Weekly’ category. They were temporarily excluded from the report after deregulation in March 1991.
Main Shoppers The term main shoppers is to replace that of housewives. Main shoppers are defined as informants who personally select about half or more of the items bought for their household from supermarkets and food shops.