
New Forecast Looks At Emerging Media

New Forecast Looks At Emerging Media

Magna has published its new estimates for US emerging media advertising in 2009, with search remaining the largest emerging media category.

Search is forecast to grow 24% to %13.8 billion, while social media is predicted to be up 37.4$ to $1.5 billion, benefiting from improved monetisation.

The fastest growing emerging media platform will be online video, which will grow 45% to $805 million.

Gaming will grow 27.4% to $296 million, with the bulk of dollars coming from tonnage of online consumption.

Mobile will see growth of 42.6%, to $298 million, spurred on by experimentation and expansion, while emerging out-of-home will grow by 22.7% to $1.954 billion, with new digital billboards and aggregation of inventory key to growth.

Annual Emerging Media Growth 
  2006 2007 2008 2009
Search $6,799.0 $8,805.00 $11,138.30 $13,811.50
Annual Growth 29.5% 26.5% 24.0%
Social Growth $276.0 $667.0 $1,072.9 $1,474.0
Annual Growth 141.7% 60.8% 37.4%
Online Video $215.0 $360.0 $555.0 $805.0
Annual Growth 67.4% 54.2% 45.0%
Gaming $112.8 $171.3 $232.4 $295.9
Annual Growth 51.9% 35.6% 27.4%
Mobile $55.0 $120.0 $209.0 $298.0
Annual Growth 118.2% 74.2% 42.6%
Advanced TV $107.0 $134.0 $161.0 $183.0
Annual Growth 25.2% 20.1% 13.7%
Emerging Out-of-Home $1,012.9 $1,293.1 $1,592.0 $1,954.2
Annual Growth 27.7% 23.1% 22.7%
Total $8,577.6 $11,550.4 $14,960.5 $18,821.6
Annual Growth 34.7% 29.5% 25.8%
Total Ex-Search $1,778.6 $2,745.4 $3,822.2 $5,010.1
Annual Growth 54.4% 39.2% 31.1%
Source: Magna

Earlier today, Magna published its global forecast for traditional media expenditure, predicting that worldwide advertising spending will rise 4.4% this year, with the UK forecast seeing 3% growth (see Global Adspend To Grow 4.4% This Year).

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