
New Format Could Revolutionise Online Advertising

New Format Could Revolutionise Online Advertising

Digital marketing company ValueClick is claiming a first in online advertising with the launch of an innovative new campaign using technology that allows consumers to purchase products within the ads themselves.

The technology comprises a secure skyscraper that guarantees online consumers a risk-free buying experience covering the entire purchase process from credit card checking through to integration with payment service providers.

ValueClick is using the software for a campaign to promote the latest DVD released from Channel, a new online music and film club from Universal. Media planning has been managed by Media.Com and ValueClick has been responsible for distribution to the most relevant websites.

The launch is being hailed as a breakthrough for online retailers looking to broaden campaign reach and generate better sales results. It offers more opportunity for impulse purchasing and could help to reduce typically high abandonment rates.

The new format has been created by software company Reporo and can be implemented by agencies or online retailers for any campaign. It is claimed that the new integrated purchase mechanic can help campaign conversion rates improve by as much as 50%.

Commenting on the initiative, ValueClick’s commercial director, Sarah Escott, said: “This new development demonstrates how ValueClick is committed to bringing innovative technology opportunities to market that will benefit the online advertising community. ReporoAd technology enables us to deliver relevant and secure points of sale across the right target audience so clients can ensure maximum reach and optimise their purchasing results.”

The launch of new formats such as that from Reporo have been instrumental in driving the growth of online advertising. Danny Meadows-Klue, chief executive of the Internet Advertising Bureau, claims the internet is finally being incorporated as a vital part of the media plan, rather than just something that occasionally appears on the media schedule (see Online Expected To See Revenue Reach £350 Million).

ValueClick: 020 7751 0555 www.valueclick.com

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