
New Mobile Television Channel Launched

New Mobile Television Channel Launched

Mobile Phone TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, has launched Farcast TV, which allows users to create their own television channel using content created on their mobile phone.

Farcast TV can be embedded into websites, with owners given a few lines of code to incorporate into their site. Movies can be sent from the consumer’s phone to the TV channel either via MMS or a dedicated application.

TV channel managers can invite customers to contribute to the TV channel or they can allow anyone to post into their channel. All videos are handled by the Farcast platform.

Applications developed to date on the Farcast platform include Farcast Reporter, Farcast AudioLink and FeedMe!.

Farcast Reporter enables journalists to publish news text, images, audio and video files via their mobile along with GPS-based location tags.

Farcast AudioLink distributes regular bulletins with the latest news in audio files to subscribers’ mobiles. Farcast FeedMe! offers webloggers the possibility to make their blogs mobile. Visitors of the weblog can fill in their mobile number and will receive the latest weblog item each time a new post appears on the blog.

Robert Westers, product manager of Farcast, said: “”Farcast TV is another step in bringing together the telecom operators, internet and media industries. It changes the way in which users experience television, they no longer only watch it, they create it.”

TNO: www.tno.nl

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