
New Research Reveals Women’s Web Habits

New Research Reveals Women’s Web Habits

Women in Europe are continuing to increase their usage of the internet, but behave differently online to men, according to new research from Jupiter MMXI.

The research showed that while women spend less time on the internet each month- just under 7 hours compared to just under 10 hours for their male counterparts- they spend their time online more productively. Women will shop, organise travel, do their banking and send e-greetings cards. Men also take part in these activities, but will also spend time browsing, reading content and downloading applications, according to the study.

Michele Poliziani, the report’s author, said: “To target women, websites clearly need to understand what content and information will appeal to a female audience. Clearly sites that allow women to perform a function or provide information to help with their daily lives in some way are popular.”

The survey also discovered the fact that for the month of February, the number of women in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK saw a 29% year on year increase, to 25.1 million. Overall there are still more men online- 40.1 million across those same countries- but in more mature markets the split is closer to 50/50. In the UK, for example, 42% of internet users were found to be female. Of these, the 18-34 year olds spent the most time online, followed by the 50+ year olds. In contrast, in Italy the youngest age group spent the least amount of hours online.

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