
New Shoppers Drive Up German E-Commerce Sales

New Shoppers Drive Up German E-Commerce Sales

Online consumer sales have increased by almost 10% in the past year, according to research carried out by Gfk.

B2C revenues are expect to total E4.7 billion in 2002, up from E4.3 billion this year. However, average spend has remained stable and the rise in sales is due largely to the increase in the number of Germans shopping via the web.

A separate study by market research group Futtkau and Maass has revealed that 60% of German internet users go online six or seven days a week and 42% use the medium more than ten hours a week. Pay sites remain unpopular with only 10% of respondents in favour of subscription fees as a revenue model for online services. By contrast, some 50% supported the concept of internet advertising.

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