
New Website Offers New Advertising Opportunities

New Website Offers New Advertising Opportunities

VideoJug A new website is launched today, with the aim of offering creative engagement advertising solutions for every brand. VideoJug, (www.videojug.com) is a new visual guide to life from the senior team behind the successful 365 Corporation Plc.

Unique in the UK, VideoJug hosts an ever-growing number of ‘how to’ films on everything in life, both professionally made and uploaded by anyone with expertise to share.

The launch also means new opportunities for advertisers in the UK, enabling them to place highly contextual messages around existing high quality VideoJug content. Videojug will also offer to create bespoke video content to enhance the way brands communicate with customers, for example videos showing consumers how to assemble or use products.

VideoJug says that its range of topic areas means that it is not limited to a specific audience but is a destination for people of all ages, genders and interests who are actively engaged in looking for advice and making purchasing decisions to complete tasks, enabling advertisers to target a mass-market audience as well as tightly targeted groups of consumers according to interest within a controlled, high quality online environment.

Specific advertising opportunities include Topic and Sub-topic sponsorship, 5-10 second pre-rolls, individual film sponsorship and MPU ads.

VideoJug will be a fully interactive experience and features a suite of uploading tools, from posting tips to full-blown ‘how to’ films. User Generated Content (UGC) on the site from launch includes how to get ideas and inspiration, how to fold a shirt in two seconds and how to make the perfect lasagne. All UGC submitted will be vetted by the Videojug team to ensure that the quality of the advice offered on the site remains high.

Dan Thompson, chief executive officer of VideoJug, said: “VideoJug opens up creative possibilities for any brand. And, unlike pure UGC sites, VideoJug offers advertisers a safe, controlled method of engagement advertising together with the knowledge that their brand will only be associated with pre-determined, quality-controlled content.

“The audiences we will attract will be actively searching for advice and will bring with them a combination of curiosity and a willingness to spend. It’s a unique proposition in the UK and we’re confident it will be major success both with consumers and for advertisers looking to exploit the potential of web 2.0.”

Paps Shaikh, vice president business development at VideoJug: “As advertisers increasingly rely on online offerings, this is an ideal time for VideoJug to launch and meet the needs of the advertising community with a simple, cutting edge UK offering, over which they have absolute control.”

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