
News International unveils multi-platform audience figures

News International unveils multi-platform audience figures

News International has unveiled multi-platform audience figures across all NI platforms – print, website, tablet and smartphone.

The new data, covering February 2012, demonstrates the accumulated audience figures across the NI brands The Sunday Times, The Times and The Sun.

The multi-platform audience figures for The Times stand at 1,624,758 daily readers and 4,242,407 weekly readers (Monday to Saturday). The multi-platform audience for The Sunday Times is 3,449,639 weekly (seven-day).

The Sun brand’s figures reveal a daily audience of 8,793,579 and a weekly (Monday to Saturday) of 17,738,765.

These figures pull together News International’s internal data as well as NRS figures, a survey of 4,400 The Times/Sunday Times subscribers and a 1,490 YouGov panel for The Sun and are verified by PwC.

Paul Hayes, managing director, commercial at News International said: “These figures verified by PwC provide agencies and advertisers with a true snapshot of consumer reach across all our platforms. With the growing numbers of web, tablet and smartphone consumers, it is important to capture every single reader across whatever platform they use to deliver an accurate audience figure.”

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