
Newspaper Companies Optimistic About Capturing Younger Readers

Newspaper Companies Optimistic About Capturing Younger Readers

Newspaper companies are optimistic about their ability to capture the time and interest of a new generation of readers, according to a new report from the World Association of Newspapers.

The report from the WAN Shaping the Future of the Newspaper project examines the media habits of young people and provides case studies of how newspaper companies are using editorial strategies, brand-building campaigns and newspapers in education programmes to attract and retain young readers.

The report found that most newspapers are optimistic that they can attract young readers. More than six out of ten respondents said young readers at primary school levels can be attracted both by the print and electronic platforms.

In addition, half of the respondents thought that young people use mobile phones to access news and information more than any other medium, offering new opportunities for newspaper content.

Newspaper companies were also optimistic that young people find newspaper information highly credible – they believe what they read in the papers.

The report said that: “For some newspapers, the key to success is in giving schools low-cost learning materials based on newspaper content.

“For other newspapers, connecting with young readers means creating a publication targeted to them, giving them a forum in print and online.

Recent analysis from the Newspaper Association of America found that total advertising expenditures at US newspaper companies were $10.9 billion for the third quarter of 2007, a 7.4% decrease from the same period a year earlier. Spending for print ads in newspapers totaled $10.1 billion, down 9% year on year. (see US Online Adspend Grows 21.1% In Q3).

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