
Newspaper Price Hikes Make Their Mark On Sales

Newspaper Price Hikes Make Their Mark On Sales

Newspapers The recent spate of cover price rises in Britain’s quality national newspapers has reduced the impact of undercutting, with all four titles now hovering around the 60p mark. However, changes to pricing can have a knock-on effect to sales.

The Times was the latest national newspaper to adjust its cover price, adding 5p to its total earlier this month to reach 60p. The increase ended years of undercutting by the newspaper, which had previously been the nation’s cheapest daily quality title for 11 years.

The rise was the second by the title in just five months, with a previous increase in April taking its price from 50p to 55p. An increase of 5p on cover price equates to roughly £10 million in extra revenue on full rate sales alone.

Analysis of the Times‘ circulation figures both before and after the first price change sees the paper experience a slight dip in total sales in the two months immediately after the price rise, although this ground is soon recovered, with total sales in the third month following the change reaching their highest point since June 2002.

The figures make interesting reading, but it is difficult to draw conclusions from these alone, as so many other factors come into play, including promotions, special content, special offers and competitive activity.

The Times
  Jan 05 Feb 05 Mar 05 Apr 05 May 05 Jun 05 Jul 05
Total Sales 686,327 679,190 670,754 685,448 684,695 683,495 698,043
Full Rate 514,733 509,711 501,643 507,146 508,348 510,572 519,095
Source: ABC
Shading denotes period of price change from 50p to 55p

Analysis of the Times‘ full rate sales shows an even more positive story, however, with the paper’s total rising slightly in the month following the change, before gathering momentum to reach its highest figure since April 2000.

The Times‘ experience is not always replicated following a price hike, however, as demonstrated by the Independent‘s latest cover price change. The title’s rise from 60p to 65p in May was immediately followed by a dip in both total sales and full rate sales, a situation which has yet to reverse.

The Independent
  Feb 05 Mar 05 Apr 05 May 05 Jun 05 Jul 05
Total Sales 263,595 258,505 262,004 263,043 262,124 255,603
Full Rate 189,134 182,025 190,452 187,928 185,282 181,111
Source: ABC
Shading denotes period of price change from 60p to 65p

Both the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph saw a similar performance for full rate sales following their last price adjustments, with an immediate dip which did not quickly recover within the following few months. In the case of the Guardian, full rate sales have yet to return to pre-price change levels, despite an upturn in September and October 2001.

The Guardian
  Oct 00 Nov 00 Dec 00 Jan 01 Feb 01 Mar 01 Apr 01
Total Sales 401,567 398,332 387,190 410,152 396,886 399,696 401,665
Full Rate 344,805 344,904 337,367 357,162 343,566 346,402 345,451
Source: ABC
Shading denotes period of price change from 55p to 60p
Daily Telegraph
  Oct 03 Nov 03 Dec 03 Jan 04 Feb 04 Mar 04 Apr 04
Total Sales 914,169 917,040 911,795 914,981 906,317 923,042 923,449
Full Rate 530,881 531,024 515,849 525,508 508,987 514,032 514,684
Source: ABC
Shading denotes period of price change from 55p to 60p

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