
Nokia And Wallpaper* Create Mobile Design Site

Nokia And Wallpaper* Create Mobile Design Site

Mobile phone operator, Nokia, and international design and lifestyle publication, Wallpaper*, have joined forces to create Wallpaper* to go…, a mobile site for design, interiors, lifestyle, fashion and travel tips and trends.

The new site coincides with the availability of Nokia’s new fashion-orientated collection of mobile phones, with each model sporting a colour screen and GPRS high-speed connectivity. The new service enables users to access fashion tips and design trends at the press of a button.

Commenting on the deal, Heikki Norta, senior vice president of marketing at Nokia said: “The Nokia-Wallpaper* cooperation is an ideal marriage. Nokia brings our experience and expertise in mobility, while Wallpaper* adds its unique perspective on the world of design, interiors, fashion and travel.”

Norta continued: “We believe Wallpaper* to go… will appeal to style-conscious Nokia mobile phone owners who like to keep an eye on the catwalks of London and Paris, the furniture shows in Milan, or ideas for that once in a lifetime trip to the Seychelles.”

Wallpaper* to go is available to any Nokia mobile phone user with internet connectivity, with wallpapers and screen savers specially designed to compliment the design experience.

Andrew Black, executive publisher of the Wallpaper Group said: “As two global brands with a strong heritage in design, appealing to a sophisticated dual audience, there is a perfect synergy for us to work so closely together.”

Black added: “We are thrilled to be collaborating with Nokia on this project which will help bring the Wallpaper* brand and magazine to an even larger audience.”

Last month, Future Publishing’s flagship computing magazine, PC Plus, proclaimed a recent trial, which enabled readers to view content via their mobile phones, as a success following 35,000 downloads in just four months (see Mobile Magazine Spells Success For Future).

The year long trial delivered a special java-based edition of PC Plus to mobile phones, a move which Future claims continues its commitment to testing new methods of content delivery across a wide range of experimental channels.

Nokia: www.nokia.com Wallpaper*: www.wallpaper.com

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