
NotW fallout: One million weekly readers may be lost

NotW fallout: One million weekly readers may be lost

News of the World

Analysis of the NRS shows that there are 1.1 million average issue readers of the News of the World (NotW) (about 15%) who do not read any other national newspaper – so there is a likelihood that many of these could be lost to the national press altogether.

Around 35 million people read a national newspaper every week – so that’s up to 3% of all readers, who might look elsewhere – or may just decide that nothing matches that NotW Sunday morning feeling. It will provide interesting analysis of the public’s cultural need to read a newspaper on a Sunday to see how many can be converted by other titles.

Of course they might in time be enticed by a Sunday Sun if a seven-day version of the paper was to be launched. News International could feel quite confident in converting at least the 52% who read both the Sun and the NotW (3.9 million readers).

However, long before that might become a consideration, there will be a huge battle to pick up new readers next Sunday. The largest Sunday cross-over readership for NotW was with The Sunday Mirror (1.3 million reading both), but 63% of NotW readers did not read any other national Sunday.

So there is the primary battleground this weekend. 4.7 million readers up for grabs!

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