NRS CAPI Research

National Readership Surveys plans to begin using the Computer Aided Personal Interviews method by the middle of this year, which will lead to greater flexibility and increased speed of reporting.
RSL completed a pilot study last year using the CAPI method. The readership levels in the pilot study confirmed the findings of previous CAPI tests and were in line with expectations.
According to RSL, there are a number of areas where this method of research improves the quality of data collected, when compared to pen and paper interviewing techniques. These include questioning on financial services and income and results for Saturday readership.
The pilot study was also used to test the use of the Postcode Address File as a sampling frame, rather than the electoral register. RSL found the new postcode system to be more representat- ive than the electoral register.
NRS: 071-235 7020
RSL: 081-861 6000