
NRS: Majority of i readers at 45+

NRS: Majority of i readers at 45+


The Independent’s i has total readership of 368,000, according to the first early estimates released by the National Readership Survey (NRS).

“Considering we’re a newspaper that’s only nine months old, it’s fantastic that the NRS have been able to provide us with an early sighting of our readership,” Jon O’Donnell, group commercial director at i said. “It’s clearly early days but it looks hugely encouraging.”

The 20p “concise quality newspaper” i attracts more male readers than female – 55.2% of the total. In terms of social grade, the majority of the title’s readership is ABC1 (72.8%).

Interestingly, 60.6% of i readers are 45+, with just 39.4% aged between 15-44 years old. By comparison, the majority of The Independent‘s readership falls in the under 45 year old bracket – 54%. In the October 2010 to March 2011 period, the Independent had a total readership of 555,000.

Mike Ironside, chief executive, NRS, said: “I am delighted that we are able to release an Early Estimate for i. By doing so we can provide the market with valuable topline data on the readership of this new national newspaper without having to wait for the full release.”

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