
NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – January 2002

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – January 2002

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – January 2002

The latest national newspaper readership figures released by the NRS show that for the period August 2001 to January 2002, the readership of national newspaper titles grew by 0.2% to just below 66 million. As in recent months, significant movement in both directions was seen in the broadsheet market.

The largest year on year loss in readership was sustained by the Independent, which lost 17.9% or 92,000 readers year on year. Its readership now stands at 423,000. No other title came close to a loss of this magnitude, although sister title, the Independent on Sunday saw a 9.6% year on year fall, the Sunday Times an 8.3% fall and the Sunday People a 7.5% decrease.

The best gain in readership was seen at the Financial Times which saw readership increase 15.8% year on year to reach 1.2m. Other significant gains were seen at the Daily Star, up 13.9% or nearly 200,000 to 1.57m and the Times which increased its readership by over 160,000 or 10.7% to 1.68m.

National Newspaper NRS Figures – January 2002
Title Aug 00- Jan 01 Aug 01-Jan 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 2,167,000 2,073,000 -94,000 -4.3
Daily Mail 5,469,000 5,686,000 217,000 4.0
Daily Record 1,618,000 1,613,000 -5,000 -0.3
Daily Star 1,377,000 1,568,000 191,000 13.9
Daily Telegraph 2,279,000 2,362,000 83,000 3.6
Financial Times 579,000 621,000 42,000 7.3
Guardian 1,072,000 1,241,000 169,000 15.8
Independent 515,000 423,000 -92,000 -17.9
Independent On Sunday 626,000 566,000 -60,000 -9.6
Mail On Sunday 5,846,000 6,005,000 159,000 2.7
Mirror 5,447,000 5,638,000 191,000 3.5
News Of The World 10,396,000 10,361,000 -35,000 -0.3
Observer 1,077,000 1,180,000 103,000 9.6
Sun 9,605,000 9,261,000 -344,000 -3.6
Sunday Express 2,213,000 2,237,000 24,000 1.1
Sunday Mirror 5,530,000 5,334,000 -196,000 -3.5
Sunday People 3,248,000 3,005,000 -243,000 -7.5
Sunday Telegraph 1,984,000 2,098,000 114,000 5.7
Sunday Times 3,287,000 3,013,000 -274,000 -8.3
Times 1,517,000 1,679,000 162,000 10.7
Total 65,852,000 65,964,000 112,000 0.2

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