
NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2009 – June 2010

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2009 – June 2010

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The latest NRS figures for July 2009 to June 2010 show year-on-year readership losses for almost all titles.

The Observer suffered the most, losing over 17% of its readers.

However, the Daily Star and Daily Star Sunday managed to buck the trend of falling readership, as did the Daily Mail.

Daily Titles

  • The Daily Star saw the highest percentage increase , increasing readership by 7.8% to 1,586,000
  • The only other daily title enjoying year-on-year growth was the Daily Mail, increasing readership by 1% to 4,896,000
  • The Daily Record suffered the largest fall in readership, dropping by 12.3% to 958,000
  • Despite a 2.1% drop in readership, the Sun remains the most read of the dailies, with 7,694,000 readers
National Newspaper NRS Figures – Jul 09 – Jun 10
Daily Titles Jul 08-Jun 09 Jul 09-Jun 10 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,843,000 1,796,000 -47,000 -2.6
Financial Times 430,000 404,000 -26,000 -6.0
Guardian 1,205,000 1,132,000 -73,000 -6.1
Independent 679,000 607,000 -72,000 -10.6
Times 1,801,000 1,673,000 -128,000 -7.1
Mid Market
Daily Express 1,624,000 1,463,000 -161,000 -9.9
Daily Mail 4,846,000 4,896,000 50,000 1.0
Daily Mirror 3,566,000 3,244,000 -322,000 -9.0
Daily Record 1,092,000 958,000 -134,000 -12.3
Daily Star 1,471,000 1,586,000 115,000 7.8
Sun 7,860,000 7,694,000 -166,000 -2.1

Sunday titles

  • The Daily Star Sunday was the only Sunday title with an increase in readership, which rose 8.2% to 961,000
  • The Sunday Times and Sunday Mirror managed to minimise damage, with readership falling by only 1.3% each
  • The Observer suffered the largest fall, dropping by a significant 17.2% to 1,138,000
  • The News of the World remains the most read of the Sunday titles, despite readership falling by 3.4%
National Newspaper NRS Figures – Jul 09 – Jun 10
Sunday Titles Jul 08-Jun 09 Jul 09-Jun 10 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 646,000 623,000 -23,000 -3.6
Observer 1,374,000 1,138,000 -236,000 -17.2
Sunday Telegraph 1,672,000 1,563,000 -109,000 -6.5
Sunday Times 3,194,000 3,153,000 -41,000 -1.3
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday 5,466,000 5,028,000 -438,000 -8.0
Sunday Express 1,676,000 1,533,000 -143,000 -8.5
Daily Star Sunday 888,000 961,000 73,000 8.2
News Of The World 7,850,000 7,587,000 -263,000 -3.4
People 1,431,000 1,309,000 -122,000 -8.5
Sunday Mirror 3,893,000 3,843,000 -50,000 -1.3

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