
NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2011 – June 2012

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2011 – June 2012

In the latest NRS release for the July 2011 to June 2012 period, the Sunday red-tops posted the most positive results, even with the addition of The Sun (Sunday), which has reported a readership figure for the first time.

With more than six million readers, News International’s new title boasts the highest readership of the Sunday market, and is just behind its sister title The Sun in the daily market (over 7.2 million readers).

When it ceased publishing last June following the phone-hacking scandal, News International’s Sunday title News of the World had a total readership of almost 7.4 million. Its highest ever NRS figure was more than 12.4 million in 1994.

In this release, the Sunday Mirror added the most readers – up 410,000 (11.6%) to just under the four million mark. The Daily Star Sunday increased its total by 287,000 (33.4%) and the People by 250,000 (21.1%). The Mail on Sunday also saw an increase – up 1.2%, 60,000 readers – to more than 4.9 million.

The Independent on Sunday enjoyed a substantial rise, up 75,000 readers (16%), to 544,000. In the daily market, the Independent posted a small 0.4% increase to 537,000 readers. i‘s total now sits at 564,000 readers.

The Daily Mirror was the only other title to enjoy a rise – up by 0.5%, 15,000 readers – to just under 3.2 million.

Overall, lots of print titles saw their readership decrease during the period. In the quality sector, the Daily Telegraph lost over 300,000 readers (down -17.8%); The Times posted a -12.4% decline (184,000 readers); The Guardian a -5.4% drop (62,000 readers) and the FT a -12.8% fall (44,000 readers).

In the mid-market, both the Daily Mail and Daily Express recorded decreases – down -5.1% (237,000 readers) and -10.5% (153,000 readers) respectively.

The Sun lost the most readers in the tabloid market, down -439,000 (-5.7%) but remains well ahead of its rivals with a total of more than 7.2 million. The Daily Star saw a -3.9% drop, while the Daily Record posted a -1.5% fall.

In the Sunday market, the Sunday Times suffered the biggest fall in the quality sector, down by 269,000 readers. However, it remains the most-read Sunday quality with a total readership of more than 2.5 million. The Sunday Telegraph and Observer also posted declines, as did the Sunday Express.

Daily Titles

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Sunday Titles

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