
NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – November 2001

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – November 2001

NRS figures for National Newspapers in November show that the market as a whole remained relatively stable year on year, slipping just 0.2%. However, this was not to say that movement was not seen at individual titles, where fortunes were decidedly mixed.

Titles on the up in November included the Daily Star, which added 12.2% or 178,000 to its readership in a year on year analysis. The Times saw a similar sized increases, equivalent to 11.1% year on year, while the Guardian was up 10.7% to almost 1.2 million. The Sunday Telegraph rose 10.9% in readership year on year.

In contrast, the Sunday People saw a 12.8% drop, as its readership figure dropped from 3.5 million in November 2000 to around 3 million. The Independent also suffered a significant fall, of 9.7% or 50,000, taking its readership below the half million mark.

National Newspaper NRS Figures – November 2001
Title Jun 00 – Nov 00 Jun 01 – Nov 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 2,189,000 2,008,000 -181,000 -8.3
Daily Mail 5,654,000 5,662,000 8,000 0.1
Daily Record 1,609,000 1,578,000 -31,000 -1.9
Daily Star 1,463,000 1,641,000 178,000 12.2
Daily Telegraph 2,190,000 2,280,000 90,000 4.1
Financial Times 623,000 625,000 2,000 0.3
Guardian 1,078,000 1,193,000 115,000 10.7
Independent 547,000 494,000 -53,000 -9.7
Independent On Sunday 666,000 621,000 -45,000 -6.8
Mail On Sunday 6,013,000 5,939,000 -74,000 -1.2
Mirror 5,668,000 5,813,000 145,000 2.6
News Of The World 10,180,000 10,408,000 228,000 2.2
Observer 1,092,000 1,113,000 21,000 1.9
Sun 9,633,000 9,424,000 -209,000 -2.2
Sunday Express 2,148,000 2,191,000 43,000 2.0
Sunday Mirror 5,682,000 5,433,000 -249,000 -4.4
Sunday People 3,529,000 3,077,000 -452,000 -12.8
Sunday Telegraph 1,907,000 2,114,000 207,000 10.9
Sunday Times 3,201,000 3,131,000 -70,000 -2.2
Times 1,488,000 1,653,000 165,000 11.1
Total 66,560,000 66,398,000 -162,000 -0.2

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