
Ocean Signs Lastminute For Iconic Tower Site Debut

Ocean Signs Lastminute For Iconic Tower Site Debut

Ocean Outdoor Logo Ocean Outdoor has signed Lastminute.com as the first advertiser for its ground-breaking three-sided site on the Clapham Tower at Clapham Junction Station.

The billboard will be used within Lastminute’s 2006 campaign, with the strapline “Life. Book now.”

The campaign was booked by poster specialist Kinetic and follows Ocean’s acquisition of Clapham Tower’s sales contract last month (see Ocean Outdoor Secures ‘Iconic’ London Site).

The Tower site offers an outstanding location and large size, raised seven metres above the ground and supporting three frontlit facades, each measuring six metres high and 12 metres wide.

Visible from Clapham Junction station, the site is passed by 2,550 trains and, according to estimates by poster specialists, more than one million people each day.

Explaining the site’s significance, Damian Cox, managing director of Ocean Outdoor, said: “This is the most exciting addition to the London outdoor market for several years and already we have several major brands interested in using it to reach London’s ABC1 consumers.

“The Tower has enormous potential and offers a range of options, for example rotating three dimensional campaigns for longer term advertisers.”

Ocean has seen rapid expansion in recent months, hiring Mark Wilkinson as its first sales director last year following what it claimed had been an “excellent first year” (see Expanding Ocean Outdoor Hires Sales Director).

The poster specialist now has 25 sites in its portfolio, all in major conurbations, with advertisers including VW, Budweiser, Reebok, GAP, Puma, Apple, ITV, Renault, Eurostar, and Sony.

Ocean Outdoor: www.oceanoutdoor.com

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