
Ofcom: Four in five UK Smart TV owners are connected

Ofcom: Four in five UK Smart TV owners are connected

Four out of five UK Smart TV owners have enabled their device to connect to the internet, research from Ofcom shows.

Ofcom’s latest International Communications Market Report found that of the 17 countries analysed – including France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the US – as well as being increasingly connected via their Smart TVs, UK consumers are also most likely to access TV content over the internet, with 36% of internet users claiming to do this every week.

In 2012, the UK experienced a modest growth in TV revenues, up 1.4% (£0.2 billion), while revenues among the 17 countries analysed increased by 3.7% to £234 billion.

Almost half of UK TV homes now have a HD service – above the average for all European countries analysed (33%). The UK also has the highest ownership of digital video recorders (41% of households).

However, UK households – alongside French households – have the lowest uptake of 3D ready TV at 9% each. Earlier this year, the BBC put its 3D project on hold due to a lack of appetite for the technology.

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