Media regulator Ofcom looks set to allow sponsorship of whole radio and TV channels, with proposals to allow branding across any broadcaster not carrying news or current affairs programmes.
The proposals form part of a consultation by Ofcom, with the broadcast regulator claiming it had seen positive reactions from viewers in research into possible future funding sources for television.
The new sponsorship rules would be subject to certain restrictions, however. Ofcom proposes prohibition of sponsorship for those broadcasting news bulletins or current affairs programmes.
Organisations currently prevented from sponsoring programmes, for example a tobacco company, would also be prevented from sponsoring whole broadcasters, as would those companies prevented from sponsoring certain types of programmes, such as alcohol brands and children’s programmes.
Under the new proposals, neither the sponsor nor its products would be given “undue prominence” on the sponsored channel.
Ofcom’s consultation will close on 20 April, with all interested parties required to make submissions before that date.
Ofcom: 020 7981 3040