
Ofcom Report: Media multi-tasking accounts for 35% of all media consumption

Ofcom Report: Media multi-tasking accounts for 35% of all media consumption

mobile phone

According to the new Ofcom Communications Market Report, media multi-tasking – for example, when a phone call is made while using the internet – accounts for 35% of all media consumption throughout the day.

The younger the person, the more media activity is done at the same time. For consumers aged 16-24, 52% of their media activity is simultaneous. By comparison, only 22% is for people aged over 55.

Overall, UK consumers are spending almost half of their time using communications devices such as smartphones, and watching TV .

However, although popularity for technology such as smartphones and mobiles is increasing, spending on communications services has decreased by 1.7%, to £91.24 per month.

This is partially due to services available in discounted bundles – with half of all UK households now buying a bundle of two or more services, compared to 29% in 2005.

Other key findings include:


  • The number of people watching catch-up TV services has increased by more than a third over the last 12 months
  • Digital terrestrial TV signal is now available to an estimated 81% of households – up by eight percentage points year-on-year
  • UK consumers spent 3 hours 45 minutes per day watching TV in 2009 – up 3% from 2004
  • Half of adult consumers claimed that watching TV would be their most-missed media activity
  • 15% of all viewing time is spent watching programmes recorded on a DVR
  • Older people are likely to watch more television – the average 65-year-old watches five hours and 14 minutes per day
  • Multi-channel TV satisfaction levels rose by six percentage points
  • Television income decreased by 0.4% in 2009


  • The number of people listening reached a record high of 90.6% (46.5 million adults) listening on a weekly basis
  • However, less time was spent listening to the radio
  • Commerical radio listener hours were stable in the year, but down 10.1% over five year
  • Total listening hours to BBC Radio stations were down by 1.2% during 2009, and down 2.2% on five years previously
  • 38% of people own at least one DAB digital radio
  • Radio revenue was down by 4% in 2009


  • 76% of homes with computers are connected to the internet
  • 88% of internet users feel comfortable using the internet
  • Social networking accounts for 23% of all time spent using the internet
  • 61% of all 15 – 34 year olds (and 40% of all adults aged 16+) access social networking sites on the internet at home
  • 89% of 15-24 year olds who use social networking sites access them weekly, compared to 50% of 55-64 year olds
  • Instant messaging use declined from 14% to 5%
  • 37% of over 55s use email every day, and 47% use it weekly
  • Broadband satisfaction levels remained flat


  • Consumers sent a record 100 billion texts in 2009 – the equivalent of 1700 for every person in the UK.
  • 26.5% of people in the UK have a smartphone – double the number two years ago
  • 23% of adults have accessed content or sent e-mails on their mobile phones
  • People with internet-enabled phones spend almost as much time using the internet on their mobile (1.3 hours per month) as they do texting (1.5 hours per month)
  • 20% of the time 16-24 year olds spend social networking is via a mobile device
  • Facebook accounted for 45% of total time spent online on mobiles in December 2009
  • Telecoms revenue decreased by 2.7%
  • Mobile and telephone satisfaction levels remained flat

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